CS 1440 Computer Science I
Syllabus, Fall 2015

Class Schedule
The class meets from 10:00-10:50, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in Belk 310. All students must register for and attend a lab section as well.

Dr. Alice McRae, [email protected]

312L Anne Belk

Telephone Numbers
Office: 262-2385, Home: 265-3359

Office Hours
MW: 2-4, TR: 10-11:30

Starting Out with JAVA, Early Objects, 4th Edition, by Tony Gaddis

This is a first course in computer programming using the Java programming language. Students are introduced to the foundational concepts of programming following the object-oriented paradigm. The course provides both training in general programming concepts and practical object-oriented programming skills using Java.
Topics covered include the departmental computing environment, problem solving, object-oriented modeling and program design, the Java programming language (a subset), and testing and debugging of Java programs.
We will plan to cover chapters 1 through 9 of the textbook, and introduce topics as they are motivated by problems. This course is not only about a learning a programming language, but also about problem solving. Students will exercise and extend their problem analysis and solving ability throughout the course.


Lab and Programming Assignments 30%
Attendance, Homework 10%
Quizzes 15%
Tests (2 @ 15% each) 30%
Final exam (cumulative) 15%

Students should attend all classes. Students are responsible for all course material, announcements, due dates, and assignments given in class even if the information does not make it onto the ASULearn site. Your instructor does not like to give make-up quizzes, and it is her policy not to give make-up tests.
The final exam will be worth either 15 or 30 percent. If your final exam grade is higher than at least one of your two in-class test grades, then the final exam grade will replace the lower of the two test grades. Note that if you miss one in-class test due to an "extreme circumstances" such as illness, death of a relative, or problems of this nature, your final exam grade will be used for the missed exam.

Students MAY WORK TOGETHER on homework assignments from class. Each student should write up his/her own solutions. Unless otherwise specified, all assignments are due before the start of the class on the due date. Unless otherwise specified, the due date is at the start of the following class. No assignment will be accepted once the solution is discussed in the classroom.

Academic Integrity
All labs and programs MUST be completed by students individually unless the assignment or project is given as a team project. In such a case, the team members can work together on the project. You may discuss the assignments and programs among each other but you have to write/edit programs by YOURSELF. Please see the ASU Academic Integrity Policy for a description of the woes that befall a transgressor!

I encourage all students to check the Mentoring/Tutoring corner's schedule. We have graduate students and CSEMS scholars helping their peers at different times of the day. These help sessions are very valuable. It is often beneficial for students to discuss programming strategies and ideas for their programs. You are encouraged to do this, BUT:

  1. You must edit your own program.
  2. Do not give your password to others so that they can "look" at your code.
  3. Never use code that someone else has written, unless given permission by the instructor. Even in this case, the code should be documented to show the source of the code.

It is easy to tell when you copy another's work. Copying will be dealt with SEVERELY according to the ASU Code of Academic Integrity.


All labs are carefully designed to help you develop your programming and problem solving skills. You are required to attend all labs. After missing two labs, each additional lab will result in a drop of one letter grade in the final grade. .
Every lab, except the first lab, has a "pre-lab" part that must be completed prior to the lab session and submitted before the beginning of the lab. The pre-lab component is not difficult and it is designed to help prepare you for the lab. Don't lose the prelab points; they are supposed to be gifts!

A = 90 to 100 , B = 80 to 89 , C = 70 to 79 , D = 60 to 69 , F = Below 60

Additional Grading Notes
  1. The prerequisite for CS2440, the next course, is C or better in CS1440. The grade C- is too low to satisfy the prerequisite requirement of the next course.
  2. You must have a passing grade for BOTH the Lab and Lecture (tests, quizzes, programming projects, final exam) to pass the course. In other words, if you fail the lab part of the course, you will fail the course.

There will be a quiz in class each Friday. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. Unless arrangements are worked out in advance, missed exams and quizzes cannot be made up. Occasionally an in-class quiz might become a take-home quiz; if this is the case, students should not collaborate on the quiz.
The material in this course builds. The purpose of the quizzes is to let you (and your instructor) see how well you are mastering the material. If you do poorly on a quiz, come by my office and get some help on that subject. It is important that you get help right away when you get confused. To encourage students to come by for help, I will allow each student to replace one quiz that goes wrong with another version of the quiz, but the student must take the initiative to come by for help and must make the time out of class to take the second-chance quiz.

Academic Integrity Code (quoted from Vice Provost)
As a community of learners at Appalachian State University, we must create an atmosphere of honesty, fairness, and responsibility, without which we cannot earn the trust and respect of each other. Furthermore, we recognize that academic dishonesty detracts from the value of an Appalachian degree. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing in any form and will oppose any instance of academic dishonesty. This course will follow the provisions of the Academic Integrity Code, which can be found on the Office of Student Conduct Web Site at www.studentconduct.appstate.edu.

Accomodations for Students with Disabilities (quoted from Vice Provost)
Appalachian State University is committed to making reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented qualifying disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. If you have a disability and may need reasonable accommodations in order to have equal access to the University's courses, programs and activities, please contact the Office of Disability Services (828.262.3056 or www.ods.appstate.edu) Once registration is complete, individuals will meet with ODS staff to discuss eligibility and appropriate accommodations.

Final Exam
The final exam will be held on Friday, Dec. 11th from 3:00 to 5:30pm.