A few links to ASCII charts

  1. ASCII table 1
  2. ASCII table 2
  3. ASCII table 3
  4. ASCII table 4
  5. ASCII table 5
Memory Dump. On the left column is the address of the first byte of the data of that row. There are 32 bytes of data shown on the first row.
Memory Dump

02A000:   73212121   65260434    18000010    41424141   403A1828   7A6B2121   10101030   21214265
02A020:   40515253   37615142    32323233    14424344   2121213A   41253414   2A3B1120   10003A40
02A040:   00004041   245C1000    4A656666    6572736F   6E205B12   271A3C41   31004B13   112142E5
02A060:   20202020   48415050    5920564B    4C454E54   494E4527   53204441   59202020   20202020
02A080:   3C4A5B61   41465132    00022010    3C1A2231   5143777A   20457351   14702031   43615160
02A0A0:   22123142   3A203130    31464545    527B4C65   62547E2F   13252541   20204020   71757573
02A0C0:   73212121   25260434    72735413    41424141   3A182800   46454252   55415259   20416023

What is in (02A048-02A050)?  Where is FEBRUARY? _______________