Graph Terms
- Define the following terms:
- vertex: one of the circles in a graph
- edge: a connection between two circles
- arc: an edge in a directed graph
- adjacent: connected by an edge
- incident: an edge and a vertex that are joined
- degree of a vertex: the number of edges that touch the vertex
- degree sequence: a list of the degrees of the vertices in the graph in
non-ascending order.
- n-colorable: can be colored with n or fewer colors
- subgraph: a subset of the vertex set and edge set of a graph
- induced subgraph: there is an edge between any two vertices in
the subgraph if and only if there was an edge between them in the graph
- planar: can be drawn so no two edges cross each other
- bipartite graph: a 2-colorable graph
- k-regular: all vertices have degree k
- digraph: edges have direction
- multigraph: graph with multiple edges between vertices are allowed
- pseudograph: multigraph that allows edges from a vertex to itself
- chromatic number: fewest number of colors to color a graph
- complete graph(clique): a graph with all possible edges
- K1, K2, K3, ...: complete graphs
with 1 vertex, 2 vertices, 3 vertices, etc.
- adjacency matrix: an n by n table where matrix[i][j] represents
an edge from vertex i to vertex j.
- adjacency lists: for each vertex, a list of its neighbors
- walk: a sequence of adjacent vertices
- connectivity of a graph: the minimum number of vertices to remove to
disconnect the graph.
- bridge: an edge that if removed would disconnect the graph.
- cut vertex: a vertex that if removed would disconnect the graph.
- trail: a walk that doesn't repeat an edge
- Euler trail: a trail that uses every edge in the graph
- path: a trail that doesn't repeat a vertex
- cycle: a path that starts and ends in the same place
- degree of a vertex: the number of edges that touch the vertex
- tree: a connected, acyclic graph
- oriented (or rooted) tree: a hierarchical structured tree.
- root: a special node in a tree, drawn at the top
- parent: the node directly above a given node in a tree
- child: a node directly below a given node in a tree
- ancestor: any node above a given node in a tree
(on the path from the given node to the root)
- descendant: any node below a given node in a tree
(on a path from the given node to a leaf)
- subtree rooted at vertex v: the portion of the tree that contains v
and all of v's descendants
- height of a tree: the length of the longest path in the tree from the
root to a leaf
- binary tree: a tree in which each node may have a left child and
a right child
- binary search tree: a binary tree in which the left subtree has nodes
that are less than a node, and the right subtree has nodes that
are greater than the node.
- traverse: travel around from node to node using the edges of a graph
- depth-first traversal: goes as far as possible before having to back up
- breadth-first traversal: visits all vertices at distance 1, then all
at distance 2, etc.
- independent set of vertices: a set in which no vertex is adjacent to
any other
- isomorphic graphs: two graphs that can have their vertices labeled so that
they have the same vertex set and edge set.
- Hamiltonian cycle: a cycle that uses all the vertices in the graph.