Practice Homework 6 -- Graphs Terms
- Define the following terms:
- vertex
- edge
- arc
- adjacent
- incident
- n-colorable
- subgraph
- induced subgraph
- planar
- bipartite graph
- k-regular graph
- digraph
- multigraph
- pseudograph
- chromatic number
- complete graph(clique)
- K1, K2, K3, ...
- adjacency matrix
- adjacency lists
- connectivity of a graph
- bridge
- cut vertex
- walk
- trail
- Euler trail
- path
- cycle
- degree of a vertex
- degree sequence
- tree
- oriented tree
- root
- parent
- child
- ancestor
- descendant
- subtree
- height of a tree
- binary tree
- binary search tree
- traverse
- depth-first traversal
- breadth-first traversal
- independent set of vertices
- isomorphic graphs
- Hamiltonian cycle