Homework 1 -- Base Conversions

  1. Convert the following number from the base given to decimal:
    1110101		(binary)				___________________
  2. Convert the following number from the base given to decimal:
    428		    (base-9)	    			___________________
  3. Convert the following number from the base given to decimal:
    1201		(octal) 				___________________
  4. Convert the following number from the base given to decimal:
    2AE		(hexadecimal)				___________________
  5. Convert the decimal number below to the base given:
    133		(convert to base-7)			___________________
  6. Convert the decimal number below to the base given:
    122		(convert to octal)			___________________
  7. Convert the decimal number below to the base given:
    985	    (convert to hexadecimal)		___________________
  8. Convert the decimal number below to the base given:
    73		(convert to binary)			___________________
  9. Convert the following real number from the base given to decimal:
    15.34		(base-6)					___________________
  10. Convert the following real number from the base given to decimal:
    2.12		(base-3)				___________________
  11. Convert the following real number from the base given to decimal:
    28.0A		(hexadecimal)				___________________
  12. Convert the following real number from decimal to the base given:
    0.125		(convert to base-8)			___________________
  13. Convert the following real number from decimal to the base given:
    0.90625		(convert to hexadecimal)		___________________
  14. Convert the following real number from decimal to the base given:
    12.45		(convert to base-4)			___________________
  15. Do the following addition problems in the base indicated:
    101101 (binary)     5153 (octal)        4652 (base-7)     BD8 (hex)
    +11010             + 424               +3556             +4E2
    ------            -------               ----             -----
  16. Do the following subtraction problems in the base indicated:
    41100 (base-6)      3403 (base-9)      10101 (binary)    1A03 (hex)
    -4302              - 855               -1011             -CC9
    -------             ------            ------             ----