Plan A |
Plan B |
Plan C |
Attendance | 10% | 0% | 0% |
Homework | 10% | 10% | 0% |
Online Quizzes | 10% | 15% | 15% |
Programs | 10% | 10% | 10% |
Test 1 | 20/15% | 20/15% | 25/20% |
Test 2 | 20/15% | 2015% | 25/20% |
Test 3 | 0/10% | 0/10% | 0/10% |
Final | 20% | 25% | 25% |
I encourage you to ask questions during class, during office hours,
and through email. If you need help on the homework or on a programming
assignment, come see me. Also, please offer feedback on the course as it
progresses. I have not taught this course in many years, and I am
experimenting with a lot of ideas. I welcome comments, positive or negative, that will help me
continue to improve this course.
Unethical practices by any student, such as copying all or part of a program
or copying from someone else's homework or exam, will be dealt with according
to the ASU Code of Academic Integrity. You may find the policy at
I do not consider discussing the homework problems or programs with your
classmates a violation of the integrity code, but the work you submit to
me should be your own conclusion.
Monday, Aug. 27 | Last day to add a class, last day to drop without it counting for one of your four drops |
Monday, Sept. 3 |
Labor Day Holiday |
Tuesday, Sept. 4 | Last day to drop without the class being used in the calculation of the "fifty percent surcharge" |
Thursday–Friday, Oct. 11–12 | Fall Break |
Thursday, Oct. 25 | Last day to drop the class or withdraw without academic penalty |
Wednesday–Friday, Nov. 21–23 | Thanksgiving Holidays |
Wednesday, Dec. 5 | Last day of classes |
Friday, Dec. 7, 2:00pm–4:30 pm |
Final exam period (meet in regular classroom) for 2:00 section (102) |
Monday, Dec. 10, 8:00–10:30 am |
Final exam period (meet in regular classroom) for 9:00 section (101) |