Mathematicians Involved with Girl Scouts

We have videos from the following mathematicians who were Girl Scouts and have been involved with AWM:
  • Anne Leggett, AWM's Newsletter Editor
  • Magnhild Lien, AWM's past Executive Director
  • Samantha Pezzimenti, has been involved with AWM's programs and conferences

    There are also other connections between AWM and Girl Scouts:
  • Marion D. Cohen
  • Pat Kenschaft By the time I was a Girl Scout I was extremely interested in mathematics and astronomy, which were inseparable in my perception. The Girl Scouts didn't have a math badge, but they did offer an astronomy badge. Mother convinced the local Girl Scout council that she was qualified to coach my troop in the astronomy badge, so for a while it met at our home in the evenings. In those days a girl couldn't earn a badge unless her entire troop did (which Mother thought was very odd), but Mother and I worked hard together to teach my fellow-scouts, and we succeeded. They and I earned the badge.
    Newsletter article:
  • Ruth Stauffer McKee (1910-1992) was involved with Girl Scouts. She was a student of Emmy Noether and she worked for the Joint State Government Commission of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It was on a Girl Scout trip in 1953 that she discovered the job opening that would develop into her fascinating career
  • Marie Vitulli was a Girl Scout through the end of high school. She received the curved bar rank.