1. how many items did you write down for 1a) on the homework:
    instances from this segment as related to what mathematics is, what it has to offer and how it is useful
    1. 0-1
    2. 2-3
    3. 4-5
    4. 6-7
    5. 8 or more

  2. Which of the following people did you list as related to the diverse ways that people succeed in and impact mathematics
    1. Eratosthenes
    2. M.C. Escher
    3. Jeff Weeks
    4. more than one of the above
    5. other

  3. Which of the following relate to local to global connections
    1. Eratosthenes computation of the circumference of the earth
    2. sum of the angles in a triangle on a curved surface
    3. estimating the number of stars in a finite universe
    4. more than one of the above
    5. none of the above

  4. Which of the following relate to truth and consequences-what is truth? When are we convinced? What are the consequences of certain truths? What is the role of chance and probability?
    1. Truth may not be obtainable with only a local view or too small a sample
    2. Truth depends on definitions and the space we are in
    3. Some truths can be partly explained via a picture, and a folding, pouring, walking, string or other argument that shows why. This was accepted by mainstream mathematics in the latter part of the 20th century, partly because of the computer revolution of the 80s. On the other hand, what we see is often a distortion of what is there. We see what we expect to see, via subtracting or adding things to our surroundings in our mind.
    4. more than one of the above
    5. none of the above

    What are the consequences? see ASULearn