1. With regard to the 1936 Landon and Roosevelt election Literary Digest poll, which predicted the winner as Landon
    a) The sample size was not large enough
    b) The sample size was not diverse enough
    c) Landon would have won - but Roosevelt's win was due to a last minute change in sentiment
    d) I do not recall or I did not complete the homework readings
    e) Other

  2. The theme of Predictors can be connected to the hw readings for today via:
    a) Stock whiz
    b) Fermat and Pascals' gaming strategy
    c) Literary Digest poll
    d) More than one of the above but not all of the above
    e) a), b) and c)

  3. Unintented Consequences can be connected to the hw readings for today via:
    a) sample bias such as convenience sampling
    b) voluntary responses
    c) misleading questions
    d) early questions might influence later ones
    e) all of the above