1. I spend a lot of time thinking about how to best help you learn and understand the material, and in implementing diverse ways in order to help you succeed, so I would like your feedback. Which best describes your experiences?

    a) I found the activities (review questions & interactive problems) and the glossary/Wiki on ASULearn helpful
    b) I haven't used them much or at all, but I liked knowing that they were there if I wanted to use them
    c) I found the activities (review questions & interactive problems) helpful, but didn't need the glossary/Wiki
    d) I found the glossary/Wiki helpful, but didn't need the activities (review questions & interactive problems)
    e) I didn't feel that I needed either of these

  2. Did you ever click on a glossary entry directly from an activity or a forum posting?

    a) Yes, often
    b) Yes, but not often
    c) Not that I can recall
    d) Definitely not

  3. What do you think about the private forum and whole class discussion forum on ASULearn?

    a) I found them both helpful
    b) I haven't used them much or at all, but I liked knowing that they were there if I wanted to use them
    c) I liked the whole class discussion, but suggest removing the the private forum
    d) I liked the private forum but suggest removing the whole class discussion forum
    e) What forums?

  4. What did you like best, if anything, about clicker questions?

    a) anonymity
    b) interactivity
    c) critical reasoning
    d) checking in to see whether I understood the material
    e) other or none of the above