Dr. Sarah's Math 1010 Class Highlights
Dr. Sarah's Math 1010 Class Highlights
Thur 8/19 - Intro to course, syllabus and policies,
section 2.1. Each group did a problem 2.1 5,6,7,9,12,20.
HW p. 68 # 1 or 4, 13, 14, 17,
buy 2 high density disks to bring to lab
and a scientific calculator
(with y^x, x^y, or ^) to bring to classes.
Mon 8/23 - Intro to Netscape and the class
web pages and Microsoft Word. Work on Wile E. Coyote assignment.
Tues 8/24 - Students were called on randomly to present hw.
Section 2.2 Compound Interest and Multiple Compoundings
Put $20 in an interest account for 5 years, compounding annually at
2%. How much money will you have? How about compounding
Which is better? 10,000 now, or 30,000 in 12 years. Assume that
we won't spend any of the money and instead will compound montly
at an interest rate of r. Each group will do this for a different r.
HW p. 88 1 and 2.
Thur 8/26 - Review lump sum formula.
Students called on randomly to present hw.
Real Life Bank formula. Student is told that
her c.d. will be compounded monthly at 8% for 8 months.
Let's say that she put in $1000.
How much would her c.d. be worth at the end of 8 months if
-the bank will compound 8% every month
-the bank means that 8% is the annual rate.
Discuss periodic payment formula.
If 100 is deposited into an account and left alone
for 25 years, compounded monthly at 5%, how much do we have?
Compare to 100 deposited every month into an account and left alone
for 25 years, compounded monthly at 5%.
HW for Tues Put in $37 a month for 2 years,
at 12.99% compounded monthly.
Mon 8/30 -
Joan and Jane DUE Wile E. Coyote
Tues 8/31
We'll do an exercise to show that the number of digits we use does
matter! 100 is deposited each month for 25 years into an account compounding
5% monthly. What do we have at
the end? The interest rate is .05/12=.004166666...
Each group used a different number of digits (ie .004,.0041,.00416,...) and
we compared the final answer obtained above on Thursday.
How much do we need to invest now
for Dr. Sarah to give her neice 100,000 at her neice's retirement?
Assume that she has found an account that will pay 6.5% interest,
compounded monthly.
We used algebra. How about if Dr. Sarah will deposit a certain amount
per month? The problem with this scheme is that Dr. Sarah
will be making payment for the next 60ish years! Instead,
let's say she can affort a monthly payment of $20. How long
will it take for the money to grow to 10,000? Guess and check.
HW p. 88 6 and 9.
Thur 9/2 Review
1) simple lump sum - P(1+rate/num)^(years*num)
2) periodic payment - P( (1+rate/num)^(years*num) -1 ) / (rate/num)
3) how much do we need to invest now to get Money later? - P (blah) =
Money. Then solve for P. (Where "blah" is the stuff after the P in 1 or 2
4) How long do we have to invest out money to obtain Desired Money?
HW for Tuesp.84 You try it 2.8, p. 88 10,14,15,
- write out solution, calculator keys and mathcommonsense.
Mon 9/6 labor day
Tues 9/7 Go over problems, Review, Divide up into groups.
Each group picks a problem from 16 on (p. 89-90). Work on problems,
write up on the board and present.
HW for Tues p. 89 11,12,13DUE Joan and Jane
Wed Wile revisions due (optional).
Thur 9/9 Convocation and Assessment.
Mon 9/13 Dr. Sarah's Condo Lab
Tues 9/14 HW, discuss jane and joan e.c. and Payment Formula,
and collect real life bank rates.
Look at Dr. Sarah's Condo (costs $105,265, putting 20% down, at 6.75%
compounded monthly).
with the payment formula and compare
to Excel.
-loan 84,212. What is the monthly payment?
-what if buy down the rate to 6.25%? What is the monthly payment?
HW 1) What is the monthly payment if
we keep the rate at 6.75%, but instead
take out a smaller loan of 82,212?
2) What would have happened if I had waited until today to
buy the condo? Assume that the price of the condo had remained the
same (which it wouldn't have!).
What is the monthly payment if we use today's mortage rate of
approximately 8%?
3) If I can afford to save $100 each month for a $50,000 car,
in an account compounding monthly at 8%, then
how long will it take me to save up?
Thur 9/16 Payment Formula continued.
Students present hw,
student loan payment analysis. Contest - given a student loan statement,
which group can say the most correct statements related to the
statement? HW for Tuesday Problems on
sheet, review class notes, labs, class highlights
web page, and book for the test.
Mon 9/20 Leasing vs Buying a Car
Tues 9/21 Review for Test 1
Thur 9/23 Test 1 One 8.5*11 sheet with writing on both sides
allowed, one calculator mandatory.
Mon 9/27
Homer Simpson's tax return Due Car lab.,
condo lab revisions.
Tues 9/28 Discuss the tax consequences of buying down the
rate option from the condo lab for the 15% and 28% tax brackets.
Credit Card Analysis - analyze credit card statement
mathematically, divide up into groups to analyze credit card offers
for details and present to the rest of the class. HW
How did the credit card company figure out the "balance subject to finance
charge" of $449.67?
Thur 9/30 Credit Card Analysis continued, read articles on
credit card charges, discuss positives and negatives of credit cards,
and as a "math whiz" contest, groups were to write down the most
true math facts they could about a credit card statement (ie where did
each number come from via common sense and formulas).
Mon 10/4 Review syllabus, class highlights pages,
Web Statistics Lab
Tues 10/5 Statistics Videos
Thur 10/7 Sampling cards, dice, chips and oddly shaped dice
Mon 10/11 Web Polls and Census Info
Tues 10/12 Drawing Histograms and Relative Frequency Histograms using
the data on page146 - #hours of tv watched - each group
did a different bin width. We discussed biases and presentation.
Survey: How far away (in miles) is each students hometown? Discussed
biases in the data. We did two histograms - one
at a bin width of 100, and the other much larger. HW p. 147 You Try it 2.1,
and read section 2 on presenting data.
Thur 10/14
Each group is assigned a different thing to do with the class data on
hometown distance: Pi chart, line graph, table,
ordered stem and leaf plot,
and compute median and mean. Groups put this on the board,
and then we discussed which method they liked the best/least and
Created a boxplot of the class data and
compared it to the previous methods.
HW p. 166 12, p. 181 6, p. 182 on 14, do a,b, and c, and also create
a histogram, pie chart, ordered stem and leaf plot, mean, median
and boxplot.
Mon 10/18 SAT Minitab Lab
Tues 10/19
Review boxplot of class data and then
figured out the
standard deviation of the class data - each group was responsible for a
couple of students calculations and then we put them all together.
Leonardo Davinci - Are you a square. (Measure students to see!)
problem number 11 on page 202.
HW p. 183 #188, 184 #19, 202 #12
Mon 10/25
Wine Minitab Lab Due SAT/GPA lab.
Tues 10/26
Students present hw from last class. Go over questions and labs.
Thur 10/28 MATH WHIZ CONTEST: From pages 200-206, groups will work on
The first group to put up a
problem correctly on the board gets credit for that problem.
Each problem is awarded to only one group. Groups try to get credit
for as many problems in the time allotted as possible. MATH WHIZ prizes
are handed out to the group with the most number of problems completed, and
the group with the highest quality of problems completed.
Mon, 11/1 Is price per ounce a good predictor of cookie taste?-
the class tastes and then we gather the data and analyze it using a linear
Tues, 11/2 review for test 2
Thur 11/4 Nov 4 Test 2
Mon 11/8
Biographies Presentation Nov 16, 18 or 23rd,
Paper due Nov 23rd at 6pm - NO revs allowed, so I encourage you to come into
office hours, since this will count as 2 labs.
Tues 11/9 Star Trek TNG The Royale Episode 38 3/27/89, stardate 42625.4
part where Captain Pickard and Riker discuss Fermat's Last Theorem.
The Proof, NOVA, 1997 about Fermat's Last Theorem.
Thur 11/11 Finish up The Proof, discuss Fermat's Last Theorem,
Taniyama-Shimura, Epsilon Conjecture, and why Wiles' proving
Taniyama-Shimura was enough to prove Fermat's Last Theorem.
Watch N is a Number by George Paul Csicsery, 1993.
Mon 11/15 Finish up and discuss N is a Number - there is always
a prime between n and 2n, the party problem
and Ramsey theory.
biographies cont.
Presentation Nov 16, 18 or 23rd,
Paper due Nov 23rd at 6pm - NO revs allowed, so I encourage you to come into
office hours, since this will count as 2 labs.
Tues 11/16 Biography presentations
Euclid, Agnesi, Muhammad, Germain
Thur 11/18 Biography presentations cont.
Gauss, Kovalevsky, Ramanujan,
Blackwell, Morawetz
Mon 11/22 Geometry of our Earth and Universe,
Tacoma Narrows Bridge movie.
Tues 11/23 Biography presentations concluded
Granville, Rudin, Morgan,
Gordan, Dr. Sarah
Due Paper, test revs.
Mon 11/29 3-d Homer
Tues 11/30 Presentations on questions from 11/22 lab,
start answering questions,
Final Exam Review Sheet
Thur 12/2 Finish answering questions.
Mon 12/6 Seeing is Believing from Life By the Numbers Series,
4-d Homer Lab,
"answer" to why an image in a mirror is inverted left to right and not
top to bottom.
Tues 12/7 Review
Mon 12/13 Final Exam