If you miss a class, be sure to cover the material you missed.
Feel free to come into office hours for help.
Wed and Thur - Block Game, Wile E. Coyote Assignment DUE Mon,
Introduction to Microsoft Word and Netscape (the web).
Mon, 8/23 - Section 2.1 including 2.1 number 1.
Each group did a problem (5,6,7,9,11,12) and presented it to the class.
We focused on
- doing the math
- checking the answer with our math common sense
- communicating the answer to others
HW DUE Tues 4,13,14,17
Tues, 8/23 - Begining of Section 2.2.
Students swaped hw papers, and graded each other's hw. Discussed
compound interest. HW put $20 in an interest account for 5 years,
compounding annually at 2%. How much money will they have?
Wed and Thur -Jane and Joan Assignment DUE Wed,
Introduction to Excel, Section 2.2 continued.
Is compounding annually at 5% better than compounding
semi-annually at 2.5%? (we answered yes!).
HW send me an e-mail (unless you already did so from lab),
You try its, revise Wile, start writing up Jane and Joan.
Mon Aug 31st - Finish up Periodic Payment Formula. Which is
better? 10,000 now, 30,000 in 12 years, 1500 per year for 12 years?
Assume that we won't spend money we get earlier, and instead will
compound annually at an interest rate of r. Each group did a
different interest rate. We then did the same problem for compounding
Tues Sept 1st Finished up group presentations from Monday
and started working on how much do we need to invest now to
get Money later via guess and check. We used guess and check and then
Wed and Thur Finished up Tuesday's problem and started working on the
Ben Franklin lab.
Tues, Sept 8 - FIRST we reviewed:
1) simple lump sum - P(1+rate/num)^(years*num)
2) periodic payment - P( (1+rate/num)^(years*num) -1 ) / (rate/num)
3) how much do we need to invest now to get Money later? -
P (blah) = Money. Then solve for P. (Where "blah" is the stuff after the P
in 1 or 2 above)
NEXT, we did an exercise that showed that the number of digits
we use does matter! 1000 is deposited each month for 25 years into an account
compounding 5% monthly. What do we have at the end? The interest
rate is .05/12=.004166666... Each group used a different number of
digits (ie .004,.0041,.00416,...) and we compared the final answer
obtained in 2) above.
NEXT, we started on
4)If we put in P now, compounded
annually at a rate of r, and we
want Money later, how much time will it take?
(1+rate)^time = Money/P.
We first used guess and check. - For example, we looked at the time
needed to double
our investment of 1000, compounding yearly at 6%, and got 11.9 by guess and
Then, we started talking about logs, and got the precise answer 11.89...
Wed and Thur Sept 9th and 10th - Finish up discussing logs in class,
(see the log handout I made!) and finished up the Ben Franklin lab.
Mon, Sept Logs and calculator sheet
Tues, Sept 15th, setting up the buying a house lab.
Wed and Thur, Sept 16th and 17th, Buying a house, finish up logs
and calculator sheet
Mon, Sept 21st Loan Payment formula - how much would our
monthly payment be on a 100000 house? What kind of car can we
afford if we take 5 years, and pay 200 a month at 7%?
Tues, Sept 22nd
Wed and Thur, Sept 23rd and 24th, Lab: Buying a car
Mon, Sept 28th
Tues, Sept 29th REVIEW For test
Wed and Thur, Sept 30th and Oct 1st, Test on financial mathematics and
finish up car lab, go to bank to find out rate info.
Mon, Oct 5th Analyze Real Life Person's Credit Card Use - see
Dr. Sarah's Class Projects on the 1010 web page.
Tues, Oct 6th Analyze Real Life Person's Student Loan - see
Dr. Sarah's Class Projects on the 1010 web page.
Wed and Thur, Oct 7th and 8th Lab: Tax Return Lab
Mon, Oct 12th Video - chapter 17 on Census and Sampling, and then a
discussion of the statistical issues in the video.
Tues, Oct 13th - Video - Ch. 18 on Sample Surveys, and then a
discussion of the issues in the video.
Wed, Oct 14th (Thur=Fall break) Circle lab.
Mon, Oct 19th 4 stations were passed around the room:
1) bin with red, green and white dice, 2) blue mug with
blue and red chips, 3) glass with blue and red chips, 4)
blue mug with 4 oddly shaped dice. For each station, groups
devised a sampling experiment. They then carried this out
and collected data to discuss the next day.
Tues, Oct 20st First, for each of the 4 stations from
Monday, each group explained their statistical sampling method,
and results. We compared these and discussed biases...
Then on previous HW #6 a and b from page 142 -
students were chosen from their index card.
Their groups were responsible for finishing off the problem
if they didn't have it completed.
Wed and Thur Oct 21nd and 22rd Lab: Statistics on the Web lab
Class: Drawing Histograms and Relative Frequency Histograms
using the data on page146 - #hours of tv watched - we did a different
bin width than the one in the book
Mon, Oct 26th Survey: How far away (in miles) is each
students hometown? Discussed biases in the data.
Each group did a histogram consisting of a different bin width. We
compared these at the end of class and decided which best represented
the data.
Tues, Oct 27th Each group is assigned a different thing to do with
the class data on hometown distance: Pi chart, stem and leaf plot and
graph, order data and compute median and mean. Groups put this on the
board, and then we discussed which method they liked the best/least
and why.
Wed and Thur Oct 28th and 29th Lab: Minitab Statistics lab on
SAT scores and GPA class. Class: Created a boxplot of the class data and
compared it to the previous methods. We then figured out the standard
deviation of the class data - each group was responsible for a couple
of students calculations and then we put them all together.
Mon, Nov 2nd problem number 11 on page 100 and Leonardo Davinci - Are
you a square. (Measure students to see!)
Tues, Nov 3rd students worked on problem number 12 parts a and b,
and put them on the board. We then did c together.
Wed and Thur Nov 4th and 5th, Lab: California Wine Contest,
class: MATH WHIZ CONTEST: From pages 200-206, groups will work on
problems (except 11 and 12, which we did in class). The first group
to put up a problem correctly on the board gets credit for that problem.
Each problem is awarded to only one group. Groups try to get credit
for as many problems in the time allotted as possible. MATH WHIZ prizes
are handed out to the group with the most number of problems completed,
and the group with the highest quality of problems completed.
the class tastes and then we gather the data and analyze it using
a linear regression.
Tues, Nov 10th review for test 2
Wed and Thur Nov 11-12th Test 2 in class. Lab: Find
a statistical poll or census on the web or in a newspaper.
Mon, Nov 17th
Tues, Nov 18th
Wed and Thur Nov 19th
Mon, Nov 24th Paul Erdos Video
Tues, Nov 25th Paul Erdos Video
Thanksgiving Break
Mon, Nov 30th Star Trek Pi segment, Simpsons Mathemagician Segment
Tues, Dec 1st Shape of Space Geometry Center Video, Simpsons 3-d Homer
Segment, Simpsons Homer doing his Taxes segment.
Wed and Thur, Dec 2nd-3rd Lab: The Simpsons Math 1010 Lab: listen to
audio, view video, do advanced searches on the web, learn about
newsgroups. (Pi, 3-d Homer, Fill out Homer's Tax return). Class:
Simpsons train problem segment, rdrr derivative joke segment,
hyperbolic paraboloid segment
Mon, Dec 8th
Tues, Dec 9th
Wed, Dec 10th Review