Dr. Sarah's Lab 1 Directions Spring 2001
You are responsible for learning everything on this page.
this for future reference, and practice on your own at home or in
a computer lab.
To start the computer if the computer is off
If the computer is off, press the key which sort of looks like an apple with a
stem still on.
To logon to the computer At the Welcome Log-In
screen, click on your computer's number, which can be found on the top
left of the monitor. (example, imac 21).
Then, click log-in. If you don't see the Welcome Log-In
screen, then reboot (under special, click on restart).
Class Web Pages
Under the apple menu on the top left of the screen, using the mouse,
scroll down to the internet folder and (without releasing the mouse),
scroll over to the right and then scroll down and release on Internet Explorer.
Click on Home on Microsoft Explorer.
As the address, you should see
Change the 1010 to ~sjg so that the address now reads
http://www.mathsci.appstate.edu/~sjg and hit return.
You will see Teaching I am teaching...
Click on the Mat 1010 link that follows this. You have
now entered the class web pages.
Logon into WebCT for the first time in this course
Click on the class highlights link from the main class web page.
Click on Lab 1 Directions, which can be found under Mon January 8.
Click on the
Login to WebCT for the first time in this course link. Your
user id and password are the same as your campus pipeline
e-mail address
(example sg23014). Then click on ok.
If you do not know your e-mail address, then ask me. If you haven't
registered yet, or have just recently registered for this class,
then call me over.
If you already have a myWebCT page set up, then Logon
using your previously set up password.
click on Create myWebCT. Enter your personal information in number 1.
Create a new password that you will remember
(write this password down somewhere)
and fill in the rest of
number 2.
Be sure that you have filled in all of the information (not just the
required info).
Click on Continue. Type in your new password when the login
box reappears and then click on ok. Click on Return to MyWebCT.
Click on the Mat1010113 link.
Subsequent Logons to WebCT
From the main web page, click on the webct link, and enter your
user id (your e-mail address - for example sg23014),
and the password that you created. Then click on the Mat1010113 link.
Bulletin Board
Go to the bulletin board and read the message that I sent.
Click on Compose a message. Next to Topic, select testing.
For the subject, type your name. For the Message,
type a test message (the entire class, including myself, will read
Click Post when you are done. Click on Update Listing and
find and read
your message.
You should read the messages on the bulletin board at least
twice a week.
Notice that there is a homework or lab questions forum,
a quiz questions forum,
in addition to a Main forum for you to post
Click the WebCT Home link (Not the Internet Explorer Home Key).
Click on the Calendar. This is the best place to view major class
assignments and events. The class highlights page is the best place
to view nightly homework.
Quizzes and Retakes
Click on the WebCT Home link. Click on Quizzes.
Click on quiz1 and enter the password that I write on the board
and then click ok.
Click ok at the amount of time remaining.
For this quiz only, you may use your notes, the web, and talk to
people around you (think of this quiz as a treasure hunt, which will
ensure that you know where to find class info).
Save each question's answer. Notice that the red dots will turn into
green stars (on the right side of WebCT) as you save each question.
When you are finished, click
Finish. Then click ok to Submit Quiz for Grading. Then View Results.
Notice that under quizzes, you can view your previous tries by clicking on
them to the right of each quiz.
For part of your homework, take quiz 1 retakes at least 1 time
from any computer with web access
(this will be available after 3:45 pm today and the retake will be due
Next Friday). You have up to 5 tries
on quiz 1 retake to get a perfect score. Recall that 10% of your total
quiz 1
grade is quiz 1, and 90% of the grade
is the highest of the quiz 1 retakes. You must retake each quiz
at least once, even if your score a perfect score on the original quiz.
Note that retakes are similar to the original quizzes, but there
can be slight differences each time, so read the problems
and answers carefully each time!
Microsoft Word Under the apple menu on the top
of the screen,
using the mouse,
scroll down to the 1010 folder and (without releasing
the mouse), scroll over to the right and then scroll down to
Microsoft Word. Release the mouse button on Microsoft Word.
After Microsoft Word opens, you will see a blank document. If you
don't see this, or (for future reference) if you need a new document,
then under File, relase the mouse button on New.
Pasting Images into Word
From the main class web page, click on the Wile E. Coyote link.
Click on Wile, hold down the mouse, and release on Copy Image.
Back in Word, under Edit, release on Paste Special, and then
click on the checked box next to Float over text in order
to uncheck the box. Then click on Ok.
You will see Wile E. appear.
Saving a Word Document
Under File, release the mouse
button on Save As... Save your document as
yournamewile.doc (example drsarahwile.doc)
in the Imac# directory,
where # is your computer number.
Work on
the Wile E. Assignment in Microsoft
Word until 15 minutes before the end of lab. Then
use campus pipeline to send the document to yourself as
an attachment (see below).
Pipeline and e-mailing your Microsoft Word document as an
Click on the top right side of the monitor,
scroll down to Internet Explorer and release.
Next to Address, type in
Login using your e-mail address (example sg23014) as your Login Name,
and your social security number as your Password and then click on ok.
If you have changed your campus pipeline password, then type that in instead
of your social security number.
I can
give you your e-mail address if you don't have it. If you've entered
your e-mail address and your social security number and you can't
get in, you'll need to contact 6266 after class for help. In the meantime,
look on with someone else, and ask me to come over and e-mail you
your file from my account before the end of class.
Click on e-mail. Click on Compose Msg. In the To: field,
type in your e-mail address (example sg23014).
If you use the vax system appstate.edu instead of campus pipeline,
you will need to add @cp.appstate.edu to your e-mail.
In the Subject
field, type in "wile". Click on Attach. Click on Browse.
In Places, find Imac#, where # is your computer #. Click on
your saved file yournamewile.doc Make sure that the .doc is at the end
of the filename,
and click on open. Click on Add. Wait till you see it as an
added file, and then click on ok. Click on Send. Click on ok.
Click on Get Mail. Click on the message that you just sent. Click on
the file that you attached next to the attached file name next
to the red paperclip. This will bring up word and open up your
file. You've just successfully sent yourself a file!
If word is not automatically brought up, then you can save the file
(or the file might be automatically saved for you).
Then you can open it up from Word from File/Open.
Exit Campus Pipeline, and then Logout of Campus Pipeline
Make sure you shut down the computer when you are done.
To shut down the computer, from the desktop, click on special, and then
release on shut down.
Homework - I am happy to help you in office hours or by
answering questions on the WebCT bulletin board.
See the class highlights page for nightly homework due tomorrow.
See the WebCT calendar for long term assignments
and quiz retake due dates.
See the main web page for the link to my office hours.
Note that
Printing is extremely slow in 209, so you should print elsewhere
To see what programs you have open or to move from one program to another,
click on the top right side of the monitor.
When you save a file, make sure that you save it with the correct
extension at the end, such as .doc for Word files.