Office Hours 326 Walker Hall 262-2363
Check this often for lab projects, tests and review sheets and access to
the other class web pages.
Check this after each class meeting for daily class overviews,
internet explorer web based problems, and shorter term nightly assignments!
Dr. Sarah's MAT 1010 WebCT is accessible by password from The Calendar is the best place to check for long term assignments, extra credit, and extra office hours, and the Bulletin Board is the easiest way to ask a math question outside of class and office hours. You are responsible for reading all posts - you should check the bulletin board at least twice a week. I prefer that you use office hours since it is easier to discuss material in person, but if you can not make them, then the newsgroup is a great alternative. I usually check the newsgroup numerous times every day including the weekends.
I usually check e-mail once a day during the week. [email protected] is the easiest way to contact me outside of class and office hours to arrange an appointment.
Walker Math Help 302 Walker MW 3-5, T TH 2-5
You may wish to obtain a tutor through the Learning Assistance Program - for group (free) or private ($$) tutors in D.D. Dougherty.
Certain homework or assignments will require use of a computer with web access, as this is a computer intensive designated course. Either you will be given some time in lab to do the assignment, or you will have at least 36 hours to complete such an assignment - enough time to access a computer from school if you do not have one at home. If, due to work or other responsibilities, you cannot access a computer with web access at least once every 36 hours, then you should drop out of this section.
Since this is a writing designated course, you will be assigned numerous writing projects. You will usually have at least one week to complete these projects. Use this time to explore the mathematical ideas deeply, to bring rough drafts or ideas into office hours and to ensure that your writing satisfies the writing checklist. You can expect to have your graded projects returned to you one week after you submit them. Sometimes revisions will be allowed in response to comments I have made. Respond to the comments-use them as invitations to clarify your understanding of the problem or my understanding of your solution. You cannot turn in revisions unless you have turned in work when it was originally due and you must resubmit the original paper along with the revision. Typically, you will have one week from the time that you receive your graded papers to revise your work.
You can obtain a passing grade in this class by satisfactory completion of work, demonstration of deep mathematical understanding, and no more than 8 credit hours of absences. You should expect to work hard and put in the necessary time to complete assignments on time, as I also work hard to help you succeed.
When writing up work, be sure to give acknowledgment where it is due. Submitting someone else's work as your own (PLAGIARISM) is a serious violation of the University's Academic Integrity Code.
You should explore each problem and write out your thinking in a way that can be shared with others. Focus on your own ideas. Turn in projects or prepare to present problems even if it they are not complete, even if only to say, "I do not understand such and such" or "I am stuck here." Be as specific as possible. Conjecture.
In this course, you will be challenged with problems that you have never seen before. I do not expect you to be able to solve all the issues immediately. Instead, I want to see what you can do on your own. Out in the real world, this is important, since no matter what job you have, you will be expected to seek out information and answers to new topics you have not seen before. This may feel uncomfortable and frustrating. I understand this and want to help you through the process. It helps to remember that there are no mathematical dead-ends! Each time we get stuck, it teaches us something about the problem we are working on, and leads us to a deeper understanding of the mathematics.
In the real world though, you are not expected to face your work alone. You will be allowed to talk to other people and you may even be expected to work with other people. In this class, you are also not expected to face your work alone. I encourage you to talk to me often in class, office hours, and the bulletin board, and group work will also be encouraged.
I am always happy to help you in class, during office hours (or by appointment), or on the WebCT bulletin board, and will try to give you hints and direction. At times though, to encourage the exploration process, I may direct you to rethink a problem and to come back to discuss it with me again afterwards. This occurs when I believe that the struggle to understand is imperative for your deep understanding of the material.