Math 1010 for Watauga College
Introduction to Mathematics (Liberal Arts Mathematics)
Dr. Sarah J. Greenwald

Where to Get Help

  • Office Hours 326 Walker Hall, 262-2363, I am always happy to help you in office hours. An open door means that I am on the floor somewhere, so come look for me.
  • This is the main web page. Check this often (every couple of days and at least 3 times a week) for lab projects, tests and review sheets and access to the other class web pages. On web pages, an underlined phrase means a link.
  • WebCT Bulletin Board This is the easiest way to ask a math question outside of class and office hours. You are responsible for reading all posts - you should check the bulletin board at least three times a week. I prefer that you use office hours since it is easier to discuss material in person, but if you can not make them, then the newsgroup is a great alternative. I usually check the newsgroup numerous times every day including the weekends.
  • Walker Math Help Faculty and students answer questions.
  • You may wish to obtain a tutor through the Learning Assistance Program - for group (free) or private ($$) tutors in D.D. Dougherty.

    Required Resources

  • How Do You Know? Using Math to Make Decisions text available in the bookstore
  • Heart of Mathematics text available for rental from the bookstore
  • scientific calculator which can do powers (y^x or x^y or ^ symbol).
  • handouts - given out in class or lab or on the web
  • loose-leaf notebook to organize handouts, notes and your work
  • access to a web-browser and to campus pipeline at least once every 36 hours
  • printouts of your work - see for information about ASU charging for print services.

    Course Goals

    Develop creative inquiry skills.
    Develop an appreciation of what mathematics is, what it has to offer, why it is useful, and the diverse ways that people can be successful at mathematics (including you!).
    Develop communication skills by communicating mathematics to a general audience in writing projects, group and class discussions and presentations, and on the WebCT bulletin board.
    Develop computer skills and advanced web searching techniques.
    Math 1010 has been designated as a writing intensive, numerical data and computer use course.

    Watauga College Math 1010

    All Math 1010 sections must satisfy the above three designators. This section of MAT 1010 is designed for Watauga College students. You'll receive full general education math credit while developing a liberal arts appreciation of mathematics. While parts of the class are similar to other Mat 1010s, it differs from other sections via an interdisciplinary and thematically linked format.

    Syllabus and Objectives

    Financial Mathematics Interest formulas as they apply to the real world - credit cards, student loans, savings accounts, car and house purchases, taxes, retirement...
    Statistics To recognize misrepresentations of studies and statistical data in the real world by understanding statistical techniques and satisfy the numerical data designator.
    What is a Mathematician? The lives and mathematical work and styles of some famous mathematicians.
    Geometry of our Earth and universe You'll become a mathematician with the geometry of the earth and universe as your field of study, while developing visualization skills.


  • Participation in class and lab activities, on the bulletin board, in assignments that are not graded numerically, and WebCT quizzes 20% You are expected to contribute to discussions, read the WebCT bulletin board, take and retake WebCT quizzes and turn in homework on time. You are also expected to actively engage the material in class and lab. This means that when we are doing a calculation, you must also do this on your calculator, and you are expected to take notes since the book does not contain everything you need to know. These kinds of baseline activities will result in a participation grade of 16/20. Other activities can increase or decrease this grade. Asking and answering thought provoking questions, coming up with creative ways of thinking about the material, and explaining the material to others are some examples of positive participation that will increase your grade. On the other hand, doing work or holding conversations unrelated to the class, sleeping in class, letting your cell phone ring in class, talking to your neighbors instead of engaging the material, challenging authority instead of looking for answers within yourself, leaving the classroom, refusing to engage in the baseline activities and performing other activities that detract from the professional classroom environment will result in a lowered participation grade.
  • 4 Major writing assignments 20% There will be one for each topic, and you will have a chance to revise your work for all but the last assignment. No late work allowed. May occur the last week of classes.
  • Weekly lab projects 20% The lowest lab project will be dropped. Every other project will be equally weighted regardless of the total number of points. No late work allowed.
  • Major topic exams and presentations 20% No make-up exams will be given. May occur during the last week of class. You should view exams primarily as a learning experience, as reflected in the relatively low percentage of the grade. This means that exams are not only an opportunity for you to demonstrate your mastery of the material, but are also an opportunity for you to be challenged with new material in order for you to make new connections. To encourage exams as a learning experience some extra points will be granted for test revisions.
  • Final 20% Comprehensive final exam will occur from 9-11am on Monday, May 13th. No make-ups allowed.
  • Late Work Work will not be accepted without explanation and must also be turned in on or before the due date. If there is some reason you must miss a class, then obtain the assignment from the web pages. One late allowed over the course of the semester - save this for computer or other emergencies and turn your lab or major writing assignment in within one week from the due date. If all of your work is turned in on time and you have received at least 50% credit for all work, then you will receive +1/100 added on to your final average.
  • Attendance Department policy mandates that missing more than 8 official and/or unofficial credit hours of absences during the course (careful - each class is 1.5 credit hours and each lab is 2 credit hours!) will result in a grade of F. Save your absences for emergencies! If the university is open and you miss part or all of a class, then that counts as an absence. You will receive (-.5*credit hours of absences + 2)/100 added on to your final average.
  • Extra credit Extra credit points will be granted if you answer someone else's math question on the WebCT bulletin board. There will be other extra credit opportunities during the semester for which points will accumulate. When final grades are given, extra credit points are taken into account in the determination of -,nothing or + attached to a letter grade.

    You can obtain a passing grade in this class by completing your work and missing no more than 8 credit hours of class. You should expect to work hard in this class, and put in the necessary time outside of class in order to complete homework and assignments on time, as I also work hard to help you succeed. To obtain an A in this class, you must demonstrate deep understanding of the material.

    Other Policies

    Material is covered very quickly. Do plenty of exercises, more than those that are assigned. In college, you can expect to spend 1.5-2 hours outside of class for each hour in class. Plan to spend at least 7-10 hours per week, out of class, on average, on this course. This is standard for mathematics courses. As a general rule of thumb, on average, you can expect to spend about 2-3 hours outside of class per week reviewing material and class notes, 3-6 hours outside of class per week for homework assignments, and about 1 hour outside of class per week on checking the main web page and bulletin board. If you find that you are spending fewer hours than these guidelines suggest, you can probably improve your grade by studying more. If you are spending more hours than these guidelines sugges, you may be studying inefficiently; in that case, you should come see me.

    Attendance and participation are expected and required. Please try to be punctual in attending, as I try to start each class on time. If you must be late to a class, or must leave early, then do still attend, although you can expect that the portion of the class that you miss will be deducted from your attendance allowance. This class does not follow the standard lecture format. There will be days when the activities are designed to be completed during class and handed in at the end of the period. Thus, attendance is required at ALL lecture and lab periods. You are responsible for all material covered and all announcements and assignments made at each class, whether you are present or not. You are also responsible for announcements made on the main web page and WebCT bulletin board, so check these two places often.

    Certain homework or assignments will require use of a computer with web access, as this is a computer intensive designated course. Either you will be given some time in lab to do the assignment, or you will have at least 36 hours to complete such an assignment - enough time to access a computer from school if you do not have one at home. If, due to work or other responsibilities, you cannot access a computer with web access at least once every 36 hours, then you should drop out of this section.

    As mandated for writing designated courses, you will be assigned a significant amount of writing. You can expect to have your graded projects returned to you after the same amount of time that I gave you to complete the assignment.

    When writing up work, be sure to give acknowledgment where it is due. Submitting someone else's work as your own (PLAGIARISM) is a serious violation of the University's Academic Integrity Code.


    Asking questions, and explaining things to others, in or out of class, is one of the best ways to improve your understanding of the material. This course is to be an environment in which everyone feels comfortable asking questions, making mistakes, offering good guesses and ideas, and is respectful to one another. You should think of me as a combination between a coach and a future boss and you should respect this dynamic in class, office hours and the bulletin board as I try to guide you to success in this class by helping you develop professional skills.

    You should explore each problem and write out your thinking in a way that can be shared with others. Focus on your own ideas. Turn in projects or prepare to present problems even if it they are not complete, even if only to say, "I do not understand such and such" or "I am stuck here." Be as specific as possible. Conjecture.

    In this course, you will be challenged with problems that you have never seen before. I do not expect you to be able to solve all the issues immediately. Instead, I want to see what you can do on your own. Out in the real world, this is important, since no matter what job you have, you will be expected to seek out information and answers to new topics you have not seen before. This may feel uncomfortable and frustrating. I understand this and want to help you through the process. It helps to remember that there are no mathematical dead-ends! Each time we get stuck, it teaches us something about the problem we are working on, and leads us to a deeper understanding of the mathematics.

    In the real world though, you are not expected to face your work alone. You will be allowed to talk to other people and you may even be expected to work with other people. In this class, you are also not expected to face your work alone. I encourage you to talk to me often in class, office hours, and the bulletin board, and group work will also be encouraged.

    I am always happy to help you in class, during office hours (or by appointment), or on the WebCT bulletin board, and will try to give you hints and direction. At times though, to encourage the exploration process, I may direct you to rethink a problem and to come back to discuss it with me again afterwards. This occurs when I believe that the struggle to understand is imperative for your deep understanding of the material.

    The text below is taken from Jeff Bennett's HINTS ON HOW TO SUCCEED IN COLLEGE CLASSES. Copyright 2000, Jeff Bennett. May be copied, but not modified, freely for educational purposes; please include this credit/permission line when copying.

    Presenting Homework and Writing Assignments

           All work that you turn-in should be of collegiate quality: neat and easy to read, well-organized, and demonstrating mastery of the subject matter. Future employers and teachers will expect this quality of work. Moreover, although submitting homework of collegiate quality requires "extra" effort, it serves two important purposes directly related to learning.

    1. The effort you expend in clearly explaining your work solidifies your learning. In particular, research has shown that writing and speaking trigger different areas of your brain. By writing something down - even when you think you already understand it - your learning is reinforced by involving other areas of your brain.
    2. By making your work clear and self-contained (that is, making it a document that you can read without referring to the questions in the text), it will be a much more useful study guide when you review for a quiz or exam.

    The following guidelines will help ensure that your assignments meet the standards of collegiate quality.