Dr. Sarah's Geometry of the Universe
Review perspective drawing and look at Excel program used to give the dots
in a perspective drawing mathematically. Connect the dots to get a
3d object!
Perspective drawing using Excel We won't have time to make a complete
colored house like on this web page, but we will go through some of the basics.
--After going to the main class web page, and
clicking on the universe lab,
click on this excel file from Netscape
(under the apple, under internet). You will see some garbage character
symbols. Under File, release
on Save As... and then click Save to save the file as perspectivehouse.xls
Under the apple, under Math 1010 Apps, release on Microsoft Excel. Under
File, release on Open, and then click on benf.xls and Open it.
You will see a chart that is partly filled in.
--We will use the perspective theorem to mathematically project
the three dimensional house onto the
mathematically precise perspetive image in the plane (where we can draw it).
So, we want to transform x, y and z to new coordinates x' and y'.
Hence x'=d x/(z+d) and y'=dy /(z+d) by the perspective theorem.
We will make Excel do these formulas for us!.
--To transform x'=dx/(z+d), click on E2 in the Excel sheet.
The corresponding Excel formula is =d2*a2/(c2+d2), so type this formula
into E2 and hit return. You should now see -1.875.
Notice that this is the correct formula to use
for x'=dx/(z+d). At the bottom corner of E2 click until you get a square
with arrows. Then fill down the Excel column and release in E18. The number
you will see there is -2.7631579.
--To transform y'=dy/(z+d), click on F2 in the Excel sheet.
The corresponding Excel formula is =d2*b2/(c2+d2), so type this formula
into F2 and hit return. You should now see -2.8125.
Notice that this is the correct formula to use
for y'=dy/(z+d). At the bottom corner of F2 click until you get a square with
arrows. Then fill down the Excel column and release in F18. The number
you will see there is .39473684.
--To draw our house, click on the grey E box, so that that column
is highlighted. Then hold down the shift key while you click on the
grey F box, so that both the E and F columns are now highlighted.
Under Insert, release on Chart. Then click on XY (Scatter)
and then on Finish. Now we have our mathematical drawing! All we have
to do is connect the dots!
--Under View, scroll to toolbars, and then release on drawing.
Click on the line that is just a straight line (no arrow heads or
---Your mouse should now be a thin cross when you take it to your picture.
---Take a look at page 2-6 from the Perspective handout by Marc Frantz.
We want to connect the dots to make the picture represented in Figure 8.
---Click on one point in your picture, hold down the mouse, and release
on another point in order to draw a line.
---To erase a line, click on the arrow in the drawing tools,
and then go back to the picture. Hold the mouse over the line until
it turns into a hand. Wait until it tells you Line (--) where (--) means
some number. Then click down, and hit delete.
---Dr. Sarah will show you how to use the dots to make the line at the
top left (first you make a complete line down to the corresponding
dot, then make a line to the part that you desired, and then erase the longer
---After you are done, while you are waiting for Dr. Sarah to start up
again, you might wish to find your original stock purchase price
(from WebCT newsgroup, select the stock market forum, and then
click on all messages, or get this info from your stock lab) since
we will need the complete into later.
Build a 3d cube from a 2d square by drawing it in the plane.
Compare the distortion to a real cube.
Watch the
Rotating a cube movie from Davide Cervone again and discuss.
Update on Jeff Weeks
Build a 4d cube model from a 3d square in the room. Think about analogies
from the cube to discuss distortions.
Watch the Rotating a Hypercube
movie from Davide Cervone
again and discuss.
Build a donut from a square!
Use an analogy to get some intuition
about a 4d object built from identifying the
corresponding opposite sides of a cube.
Jeff Weeks and MAP (search for _finite) in this page.
Go back to the earth to discuss the problem of using too small a region
to try and find the geometry of the universe.