1. Which of the following Creative Inquiry Lessons for Life did you like the best?
    a) To really learn something new, you must experience it yourself via hands-on hard work and practice. We don't learn deeply by watching someone else. You could watch many movies about baseball, but in order to really learn how to play well, you must actually pick up a bat yourself.
    b) Break difficult problems up into easier ones.
    c) Look for patterns and similarities.
    d) Try to examine situations from diverse viewpoints.
    e) Explore the consequences of new ideas.

  2. What skills does Lynn Steen say are essential for a quantitative literate citizen?
    a) quantitative thinking about commonplace issues
    b) understanding, careful reasoning and critical thinking
    c) to be able to confront authority
    d) exactly 2 of the above
    e) all of a, b, and c

  3. which best describes your reaction to Rosie O'Donnell's quotation in Adding up Fuzzy Math: Teaching the Basics by Roland Minton
    a) I strongly agreed with her
    b) I somewhat agreed with her
    c) I somewhat disagreed with her
    d) I strongly diagreed with her

  4. Which parables/analogies did you identify the most with in Mathematics The Most Misunderstood Subject by Robert H. Lewis?
    a) Scaffolding
    b) Ready for the big play
    c) The hostile party goer
    d) The considerate piano teacher
    e) Computers, mathematics, and the chagrinned diner

  5. In What is Mathematics? by Sanderson M. Smith, which "shockers" were mentioned?
    a) Non-Euclidean geometry
    b) Godel's Incompleteness Theorem
    c) Both a and b
    d) Neither a nor b

  6. In What is Mathematics? by Sanderson M. Smith, which theory about the nature of mathematics did you most identify with?
    a) Platonism: mathematics always existed and we discover it
    b) Formalism: mathematics is created through axiomatic systems
    c) Logicism: mathematics is a vast tautology
    d) Intuitionism/Constructivism: Mathematics comes from the human mind

  7. Liz Coleman said that quantitative reasoning is
    a) something that should remain in general education, partially to combat that idea the "expert" as the only one capable of coming up with answers (despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary).
    b) at the heart of managing change where measurement is crucial as is a capacity to discriminate systematically between what is at the core and what is at the periphery
    c) important, but that we need to make sure we focus on structures designed to connect, like mutually dependent circles rather than isolating triangles
    d) exactly 2 of the above
    e) all of a, b and c

  8. Liz Coleman mentioned other connections to our class, including:
    a) history provides a laboratory in which to see the actual as well as the intended consequences of ideas
    b) flexibilities of mind, and multiplicity of perspectives are needed
    c) there is evidence all around us of the interconnectedness of things
    d) exactly 2 of the above
    e) all of a, b and c

  9. What best describes what you think about the following quotation?
    Being overwhelmed is the first step if you are serious about trying to get at things that really matter, on a scale that makes a difference. So what do you do when you feel overwhelmed? Well, you have two things. You have a mind. And you have other people. Start with those, and change the world.
    a) I think this is a good way to make global changes
    b) I don't think this is a good way to make global changes, but I don't have a better idea
    c) I have better ideas to make global changes
    d) It makes me feel hopeful
    e) I mostly feel overwhelmed about trying to make big changes

  10. How important do you think mathematics is in a general education (elementary school thru college)?
    a) I think it should be removed entirely
    b) I think there should be a reduced emphasis on it
    c) I think it should remain as a fundamental part of general education, but it needs educational changes
    d) I think that it should stay exactly the the way it is
    e) Other

  11. Should Appalachian reduce the quantitative literacy credit requirements from 4 hours to 3 hours?
    a) Yes but I think it should be removed entirely
    b) Yes I think there should be a reduced emphasis on it
    c) No, I think it should remain as is, as a fundamental part of general education
    d) No, and in fact I think that more hours should be devoted to quantitative literacy at Appalachian
    e) Other