1. Did your stock gain money, lose money, or stay the same? Notice that in order to make money, you need to at least make enough to cover the 2 commission fees (paid once for buying and once for selling)/
    a) gain
    b) lose
    c) broke even to just cover the commission fees

  2. What do you think about Lynn Steen's statement: "Quantitative literacy empowers people by giving them tools to think for themselves, to ask intelligent questions of experts..."
    a) strongly agree
    b) agree
    c) disagree
    d) strongly disagree

  3. Which best describes your reaction to Rosie O'Donnell's quotation in Adding up Fuzzy Math: Teaching the Basics by Roland Minton: math should no longer be taught because "we have computers (and) no longer need to know why 3x =3D (2y) /4."
    a) I strongly agreed with her
    b) I somewhat agreed with her
    c) I somewhat disagreed with her
    d) I strongly diagreed with her

  4. Which parables/analogies did you identify the most with in Mathematics The Most Misunderstood Subject by Robert H. Lewis?
    a) Ready for the big play: If the treadmill is not seen during the actual game, was it just a waste to use it? Were all those trainers wasting their time? Of course not. It produced (if it was done right!) something of value, namely stamina and aerobic capacity. So too does mathematics education produce something of value, true mental capacity and the ability to think, perceive, and analyze mathematically.
    b) The considerate piano teacher: Imagine a piano teacher who gets the bright idea that she will make learning the piano "simpler" by plugging up the student's ears with cotton. The student can hear nothing. No distractions that way! And yet that is exactly what has happened... mathematics students have been deprived of the heart and soul of the course and been left with a torturous outer shell... where understanding ``why" has been removed or de-emphasized.
    c) Confusion of education with training: Training... means you learn how to use or operate some kind of machine or system that was produced by people in order to accomplish specific tasks. Education is both broader and deeper than training... Education will live, evolve, and adapt throughout life... There is no such thing as a "trained guess."
    d) Computers, mathematics, and the chagrinned diner: she was thinking that with computers becoming so accurate, fast, and common, there was no longer any need for mathematicians. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Many areas that were considered pure mathematics now find themselves at the forefront of application.

  5. Which theory about the nature of mathematics do you most identify with?
    a) Platonism: mathematics always existed and we discover it
    b) Formalism: mathematics is created through axiomatic systems
    c) Logicism: mathematics is a vast tautology
    d) Intuitionism/Constructivism: mathematics comes from the human mind
    e) Other