Dr. Sarah's Mat 1010 Creative Inquiry Lessons for Life
Adapted from Burger and Starbird
Can this course help you to think more effectively, more inventively, to
solve life problems more creatively, and to analyze issues more logically?
The short answer is Yes.
During our segments, certain techniques of thought began to emerge as powerful forces for
combating the unknown - techniques applicable to any situation we
may face in life.
Life is one decision after another.
When our own future is at stake,
most of us want to use every effective approach we can find. The
mathematical mode of thought is not the only way to approach decisions,
but the reasoned strategies that mathematics illustrates are powerful
tools that give us surprising strength
for analyzing and conquering life's issues.
With all the decisions we will face in life -
public and private, large and
small - improving our chances of making good decisions is crucial.
The strategies of insight that work over and over in mathematics are
equally potent when applied to our lives. These strategies include: