You should view exams in this course
primarily as a learning experience,
as reflected in the relatively low percentage of the grade (see syllabus).
This means that exams are not only an opportunity for you
to demonstrate your mastery of the material, but are also an opportunity
for you to be challenged with new material in order for you to make
new connections. To encourage exams as a learning experience
some extra points will be granted for test revisions.
My exams are considered challenging.
I require that you really understand the material and can use this
understanding to quickly answer questions and
give explanations. Research
has shown that
the effort you expend in clearly explaining your work solidifies
your learning. In addition, you will find that studying for the
comprehensive final will be much easier since you will have
your explanations in front of you.
If you generally are not a good test taker, then do not worry,
since you can still do fine in this course
by doing well in the other aspects of this class.
To study for the exam, make sure that you can do the following problems
quickly, and that you really understand the underlying ideas
and can explain them.
Make sure that you understand the "math common
sense" we have gone over in class
and the "calc keys" that will work with your calculator
for each type of problem.
Select answers will be posted as a link on the main web page.
I advise you to
work on these yourself without looking at the answers
and to also use common sense to see whether your answer
looks good before looking at the posted answers.
In addition to this sheet,
review notes and homework from class, the Jane and Joan sheet,
the Condo lab and WebCT quizzes 1 and 2. For the WebCT quizzes,
be sure that you could explain WHY each answer is true or false.
You can click on your previous WebCT tries to look at them as
I showed you in class.
The exam will test
your skill at doing problems, your understanding of problems
that you've done, and your skill at communicating mathematics in writing.
One 8.5*11 sheet with writing on both sides
allowed. You can put anything you like on your sheet.
Calculator is mandatory.
Write down the setup of the formula with numbers,
explain why (in words) the formula you chose applied to this problem,
solve the problem on your calculator, and
write down "math common sense" - did your answer make sense or not and WHY?:
For example, "we have seen that it is possible to double your money
in about 20 years because it is sitting there a long time",
"it makes sense that the interest on the loan is more than the loan itself
since the bank is loaning us a large lump sum up front, and we are
taking a long time - 30 years - to pay it back. The bank could
have deposited their money in a lump sum account instead of loaning
it to us, and the money would have more than doubled in this account.
Hence, we must pay back more than double the interest."