NYTimes.com Article:
Some scientists say new data hint that space is like a hall of mirrors in
which light travels around a small universe, creating
an apparently endless chain of images.
Image by Dr. Max Tegmark, University of Pennsylvania Long ago in the dawn of the computer age, college students often whiled away the nights playing a computer game called Spacewar. It consisted of two rocket ships attempting to blast each other out of the sky with torpedoes while trying to avoid falling into a star at the center of the screen. |
Although cartoonish in appearance, the game was amazingly
faithful to the laws of physics, complete with a
gravitational field that affected both the torpedoes and
the rockets. Only one feature seemed outlandish: a ship
that drifted off the edge of the screen would reappear on
the opposite side. Real space couldn't work that way. Or could it? |