Life by the Numbers

Seeing is Believing video: Modern artists and mathematicians are trying to grapple with the 4th physical dimension. Mathematics helps define space and helps present visions of our world to us. and Shape of the World video: Viewers see how mathematics has become a tool to explore the heavens as the cosmos is charted. The people in the video:
Actor Danny Glover: Narrator, Art Historian Linda Henderson, Artist Pablo Picasso, Mathematician Dufret, Mathematician Tom Banchoff, Artist Tony Robbin, Astrophysicist Rob Kirshner, Mathematician Robert Osserman, Physicist Albert Einstein, Mathematician George Riemann, Mathematician Jeff Weeks
  1. How do people in the video talk about, explore or represent higher dimensions (analogies, visual representations...)? For instance - Henderson uses x-rays and invisible realities as an analogy.

  2. What are ways that the researchers model and explore the geometry of the universe? For example, Riemann and Einstein used a higher dimensional sphere. Also list any experiments in detail.

  3. What are connections to the theme of local to global?