Click on the blue or grey background part of your chart.
Under View, scroll to toolbars, and then release on drawing.
A "drawing toolbar" will appear.
Click on the line that is just a straight line (no arrow heads or
Your mouse should now be a thin cross when you take it to your picture.
We want to connect the dots to make the picture represented here.
Click on the bottom left point in the picture, hold down the mouse,
and release on the point above it to draw the line representing the
left side of the house. Then click on the blue part to complete the line.
Keep clicking on the line on the toolbar in order to draw
lines on your picture in order to complete the picture as above.
To erase a line that you have drawn by mistake,
click on the arrow in the drawing tools,
and then go back to the picture. Hold the mouse over the line until
it turns into a hand. Wait until it tells you Line (--) where (--) means
some number. Then click down, and hit delete.