Spherical, which wraps a
flattened brain image
around a sphere.
Managing Data Using Higher Dimensions
Data is collected for a large sample of individuals where
individuals have been assigned to one of two classes by experts.
Each individual corresponds to a point in an n-dimensional space
where n is the number of measurements recorded for each individual.
Mathematics is then used to
separate the classes via a plane, similar to the idea of linear
regression, but instead of finding a "best fit" line to all of the data,
we find the plane that best separates the data into classes.
New individuals are then classified and diagnosed
by a computer using
the separating plane.
Breast Cancer
When a tumor is found, it is important to
diagnose whether it is benign or cancerous.
In real-life,
9 attributes were
obtained via needle aspiration of a tumor such as clump thickness,
uniformity of cell size, and uniformity of cell shape.
The Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database used the data of
682 patients whose cancer status was known.
Since 9 attributes were measured, the data was contained in a
space that had 9 physical dimensions.
A separating plane was obtained.
There has been 100% correctness on computer diagnosis of 131 new
(initially unknown) cases, so this method has been very successful.
Heart Disease - Be sure that you have read the text above before
performing this activity.
Find a partner.
One of you should read this page as the other follows the directions.
View the
real-life numerical data that
was actually used in the heart disease analysis.
Using Select All and then Copy under Edit, copy the numerical
data from this link.
Open up Word and paste the data into Word.
Under Edit, Replace all of the instances of , with ^t .
Then under Edit, Select All and then Copy.
Open up Excel and paste the data into Excel.
It may take a while since there is a lot of data.
Each column is a different dimensions worth of data. How many dimensions
is this space? Each patient is a different row. How many patients were
View the
description of the data.
Scroll down to number 7. Use this to identify
exactly which attributes were used in the analysis
by looking at their abbreviations and then scrolling down to
identify the meaning via the complete attribute documentation descriptions.
This data was the real data that was used to find a separating plane
in this higher dimensional data space.
New patients have since been diagnosed using this plane.
I wanted you to
see how you can place
it into Excel and to have some experience the actual
data that was used. It is not often that one gets the chance to do this,
because people rarely make their data sets available to others.
You may now quit Excel without saving your file.
Now answer questions 1 and 2 on the worksheet.
What is the 4th Physical Dimension?
We have heard that physicists think that the universe has many
more physical dimensions than we directly experience.
We can try and understand the 4th physical dimension by thinking about
how a 2D Marge can understand the 3rd physical dimension.
For example, when Homer disappears behind the bookcase,
or when she sees shadows of a rotating cube, she experiences
behavior that does not seem to make sense to her.
In fact, since it is 3D behavior, it does not make sense in 2D.
But, it is in this
indirect way that 2D Marge can gain an appreciation for 3D.
Similarly, we can use indirect ways
of trying to gain an appreciation
for the counterintuitive behavior of 4D objects.
A hypercube is one of the "easiest" 4D objects to try and understand.
Yet, physicists and mathematicians assert that it
cannot be the shape of our universe since it has an
edge, which means that there would have to be something on the other
side of the edge.
Next read through the following:
Some cosmologists expect the universe to be finite,
curving back around on itself.
Historically, the idea of a finite universe ran into its own obstacle: the apparent need for an edge. Aristotle argued that the universe is finite on the grounds that a boundary was necessary to fix an absolute reference frame, which was important to his worldview. But his critics wondered what happened at the edge. Every edge has another side. So why not redefine the "universe" to include that other side? German mathematician Georg Riemann solved the riddle in the mid-19th century. As a model for the cosmos, he proposed the hypersphere--the three-dimensional surface of a four-dimensional ball, just as an ordinary sphere is the two-dimensional surface of a three-dimensional ball. It was the first example of a space that is finite yet has no problematic boundary. One might still ask what is outside the universe. But this question supposes that the ultimate physical reality must be a Euclidean space of some dimension. That is, it presumes that if space is a hypersphere, then that hypersphere must sit in a four-dimensional Euclidean space, allowing us to view it from the outside. Nature, however, need not cling to this notion. It would be perfectly acceptable for the universe to be a hypersphere and not be embedded in any higher-dimensional space. Such an object may be difficult to visualize, because we are used to viewing shapes from the outside. But there need not be an "outside."
Euclidean Universes
Spherical Universes
Hyperbolic Universes
Answer the remaining questions on the worksheet.
References --
Adapted from
excerpts taken from: