
Directions: Please indicate your choice of the answer that best expresses your feelings about the statement by circling your choice.

The five points of the scale are: SA - strongly agree; A - agree; U - undecided; D - disagree; SD - strongly disagree.

Your survey will go into an envelope (I will not look at them). At the end of the course, you will be given your survey back to see if your attitude has changed.

I see mathematics as a subject I will rarely use.
SA             A             U             D             SD

I'm no good in math.
SA             A             U             D             SD

I feel comfortable using a computer.
SA             A             U             D             SD

Creativity is important to doing mathematics.
SA             A             U             D             SD

For some reason, even though I study, math seems unusually hard for me.
SA             A             U             D             SD

People in business and government use mathematics to solve problems.
SA             A             U             D             SD

Math doesn't scare me at all.
SA             A             U             D             SD

I feel like I can do "word problems" in mathematics.
SA             A             U             D             SD

I know of specific ways mathematics can be used for making decisions about my future.
SA             A             U             D             SD

Memorization is the most important strategy for studying mathematics.
SA             A             U             D             SD

What do you think is the most important characteristic a person must have in order to be good at mathematics?