Dr. Sarah's
Lab 1
You are responsible for learning (but not
memorizing) everything on this page.
Main Class Web Page
From a web browser such as Internet Explorer (on or off campus), type in
You can access all of the other pages from this one.
Check the Main Class Web Page about every 2 days (at least
3 times a week) for updates.
Note: To get back to
a web page that you were just on,
hit the web browser's "Back" key.
Survey Assignment
Work on the survey assignment in a word processor
and save often. When you are
finished, copy all of the text so that you can paste it into WebCT
as directed below. While you could just work within WebCT, for this
it is best to work in a word processor instead,
so that you can spell check your work, and so that you do
not lose your work if your connection to WebCT fails.
Using Campus Pipeline to Enter WebCT
From the main class web page, click on the
campus pipeline link.
On the left side, under Secure Access Login,
type in your e-mail address (example sg23014) as your User Name,
and your social security number without any dashes as your Password
and then click on Login.
If you have changed your campus pipeline password, then type that in instead
of your social security number.
Pipeline will force your to change your password. Make sure to write it
down somewhere for future reference.
I can
give you your e-mail address if you don't have it. If you've entered
your e-mail address and your social security number and you can't
get in, you'll need to contact 262-6266.
Just under Class Links, on the right side,
click on the Introduction to Mathematics link.
Note - you may need to scroll down the 2002 Fall Courses to get to this link.
If this course is not listed among those courses, then check to be sure
that you are registered for the class and/or contact 262-6266.
You will see Dr. Sarah's Mat 1010 WebCT.
You have now entered WebCT.
Bulletin Board Use in WebCT
Click on the Bulletin Board Link
Composing a Message
Click on Compose Message
Under Topic, choose your name and Dr. Sarah.
This is a forum created with just the two of us.
For WebCT postings, make sure that your message is always
PROFESSIONAL AND RESPECTFUL, as I will sometimes reply to your messages
by forwarding them to the ENTIRE CLASS. If you want to communicate
with me about something that is personal, you should do that in person -
after class, in office hours or by appointment.
Under Subject, type lab1 survey response
Click on the Message.
On the top left of the screen, under Edit, release on
Paste in order to paste your survey response into the message.
Note: For shorter messages in the future,
you can just type directly into the Message
area instead of pasting into it from a Word Processor.
Click on Post.
Viewing Posted Messages
Click on Update Listing to get the latest posting info.
You should always change the topic to "All" in order to see all the
unread messages you have. You should expect that there may be new messages
from Dr. Sarah to you in the "Attention from Dr. Sarah" forum
and/or the forum containing just you and Dr. Sarah.
Check to be sure that your posting to the forum
containing just you and Dr. Sarah was successfully received.
If not, wait a minute or two, hit "Update Listing" again,
and if you still don't see your posting, then resend the message.
For future reference:
If you want to re-read a message that you have already looked at,
click on the "Show all" link. To go back to unread messages
only, click on the "Show unread" Link.
Homework -
I am happy to help you in office hours or by answering
questions on the WebCT bulletin board.
Reminder: See the main web page for homework and a link to my office