Dr. Sarah's Computer Information Sheet
You are responsible for learning (but not memorizing) everything on this page.

Main Class Web Page From a web browser such as Internet Explorer (on or off campus), type in
and click on Math 1010. Check the Main Class Web Page about every 2 days (at least 3 times a week) for updates. To get to this web page in lab, First, check whether the computer is on by typing on the keyboard. If not, then turn on the computer by pressing the power key on the back of the right side of the computer. You will see something resembling the picture on the right, which is called the Dock. Click on the icon with a blue e.
To open up a new web browser, under File, release on New Navigator. (sometimes your browser will close by mistake or you will need two screens open at the same time).

Other programs can also be opened from the Dock. To satisfy the Math 1010 computer designator, we will effectively use programs that are widely available and that you are likely to use again in other classes, such as Explorer (the icon with the blue e), Microsoft Word (the icon with the blue W), a word processing program, and Microsoft Excel (the icon with the green X), which is useful for amortization tables, calculations and spreadsheets. Word and Excel are bundled together in the "Office" package that also includes Microsoft PowerPoint (the icon with the orange P), a program for creating and viewing professional presentations. All of these programs can be found on most pc and mac computers. We will spend the rest of the semester learning about basic features, especially concentrating on web searching techniques.

Quickly changing programs The dock will show you what programs are currently open with a black arrow pointing to the open programs. If you wish to change to a different open program, just click on a different program on the dock. Sometimes a program will be open, but you won't see a file with it. To open up a new file, under File, release on New. To open an old file, under file release on Open, and then look for the file you desire. Word documents should always end in .doc, while excel documents should always end in .xls

Mac versus PC Computers While we will be using Mac computers in lab, almost everything we do can also be done on a PC computer. Complaining about Mac computers detracts from the professional environment of the course. More importantly though, consider the fact that both software and computer systems change often. It is almost certain that the computer you will use in 10 years will look and act nothing like your present computer. Hence, it is important to be both logical and flexible in your computer use. The use of Mac computers in lab gives you the opportunity to develop your flexibility and reinforce this course goal.
Group Work For labs, pick one person (sitting next to you) to work with. Working together is important since the best way to learn something new is to communicate it to someone else. In addition, it takes Dr. Sarah a while to get around the room, so it is more efficient to have people helping each other. Each of you should work on your own computer, but you should help each other and keep the same pace. Introduce yourself to the people sitting next to you!
Success in this Course Much of your success in this course depends on you carefully listening to and taking notes on what I say, carefully following directions, engaging the material, participating in class discussions and activities, and practicing on your own. You can obtain a passing grade in this class by satisfactorily completing your work and missing no more than the equivalent of 2 weeks of class (see the syllabus for the attendance policy). Most people who do so will receive an A, B, or C in the course. To obtain an A in this class, you must demonstrate deep understanding of the material. Since the class meets for 5 hours per week and satisfies 3 designators, you should expect to put in the necessary time outside of class in order to complete homework and assignments on time. You will find that I will also work hard to help you succeed.
Effective Use of Time in Class You should always expect to stay for the entire time that class (Tues/Thur) meets. If activities are finished early or you are waiting for us to come back together as a class, then you should use the time effectively to work on class homework or ask me questions (using your time effectively in class and lab forms part of your participation grade).
Effective Use of Time in Lab Labs are designed to take 1 hour and 50 minutes, but everyone works at a different pace. You should expect to leave having completed the mathematics correctly (I try to check work and give you instant feedback as I make my way around the classroom since I want you to succeed.) Some people will work quickly enough to be able to answer all of the questions in lab itself. Other people will need to spend time outside of class completing questions. If you finish all of the listed lab activities early then you may spend the remaining lab time working on class homework and asking any questions you have, or, if Dr. Sarah has nothing else planned (check with her), you may leave early.
Using Campus Pipeline to Enter WebCT From the main class web page, click on the campus pipeline link.
  • On the left side, under Secure Access Login, type in your e-mail address (example sg23014) as your User Name, and your social security number without any dashes as your Password and then click on Login. If you have changed your campus pipeline password, then type that in instead of your social security number. Pipeline may force your to change your password. Make sure to write it down somewhere for future reference. I can give you your e-mail address if you don't have it. If you've entered your e-mail address and your password and you can't get in, you'll need to contact 262-6266.
  • Just under Class Links, click on the Introduction to Mathematics link. Note - you may need to scroll down the Courses to get to this link. If this course is not listed among those courses, then check to be sure that you are registered for the class and/or contact 262-6266.
  • You will see Dr. Sarah's Mat 1010 WebCT. You have now entered WebCT.
  • To return to this WebCT page from subpages click on the WebCT Homepage link, located in the top left of the white screen (for example, see the pictures below).
    WebCT Quizzes
  • From the main WebCT page, click on Quizzes.

    WebCT quizzes are designed to help you learn the material and focus for exams, but the quiz grade is not a part of your course grade (note though that an A on at least one retake of each WebCT quiz can help you receive a bonus credit of +1 on your final average - see the syllabus for additional criteria for the bonus credit).

    Taking a Quiz
  • A quiz that is a link is available to take.
  • Click on the quiz. Click Begin quiz.
  • Save each question's answer. Notice that the orange dots will turn into blue checks (on the right side of WebCT) as you save each question. Be careful to follow the input directions for each question since WebCT will mark your answer as incorrect if it is not in the correct format. Note that for multiple choice questions, boxes mean that more than one choice may be chosen.
  • When you are finished, click Finish.
  • Then click ok and ok again to Submit Quiz for Grading.
  • Then click on View Results.

    Quiz Retakes Under quizzes, you can view your previous tries (and how they were graded) by clicking on them. If you decide to take retakes, use them as a way to reinforce learning and prepare for tests. As you answer each question, ask yourself whether you could explain WHY answers are true or false and show the work necessary to obtain the correct answers on a test.
    WebCT Postings Click on the Discussion Boards link.

    Viewing Posted Messages
    To read a message, click on the corresponding link. "Close" the message when you are finished.
  • If you want to re-read a message that you have already looked at, click on the Display: "All" link. To go back to unread messages click on the "Unread" link. Generally you'll want to have the "Unread" option on. When it is on, it will not be a link (as above).
  • You should check to see if there are new messages at least once a week.

    Composing a Message to Dr. Sarah
  • Click on Compose Message
  • Under Topic, choose the Forum containing you and Dr. Sarah.
  • Under Subject, type something that reflects the content of the message.
  • Under Message, type something in.
  • To attach a Word file Under Attachments: click on Browse. Look for your file and click on it. Hit Open. Then Be sure to click on Attach file. After you have done this, instead of reading "there are no files attached", you will see the attachment.
  • University does not have other wordprocessors. Note that Dr. Sarah can read Word attachments (save these as .doc), but if you are working in a different word processor such as WordPerfect or Works, then you must first save the file in a different format. For these word processors, use Save as... and choose rich text format and then save the file as .rtf
  • Click Preview to preview your message. There should be a "See attached" at the bottom.
  • Click Send to send your message
  • For WebCT postings, make sure that your message is always PROFESSIONAL AND RESPECTFUL, as I will sometimes reply to your messages by forwarding them to the ENTIRE CLASS. If you want to communicate with me about something that is personal, you should do that in person - after class, in office hours or by appointment.
  • To ensure that your message was sent, click on update listing (you may need to wait a minute). Click on your message and make sure that you see a paper clip and See Attached at the bottom of it. If not, you may need to wait a minute and then
  • Dr. Sarah will reply to your postings to answer your questions (unless they clearly do not need a reply). She checks WebCT numerous times per day, even on weekends.

    Always Shut Down the Computer Before Leaving the Lab To shut down the computer, under the Apple (top left of the screen), release on Shut Down.