Class Stats

Goal: The purpose of today's lab is to generate some statistics on our class.
  1. "Sell" your stock:
  2. On the front board, mark off whether you gained or lossed money by adding them to the relevant gain/loss columns.
  3. Participation: The average participation grade from last semester was 12/15, which is what is currently listed on the ASULearn grades. A perfect 15/15 means perfect attendance, turning in all the non-graded homework, being prepared for class, actively participating in class discussions in meaningful ways, completing calculations and activities, and taking at least one try of each ASULearn activity. Utilizing office hours and explaining the material to others are other examples of participation. Use these criteria from the syllabus to give yourself a participation grade out of 15 [for many people in the class this grade will be 12].
  4. Group Work: On ASULearn message me feedback on the effectiveness of any group work [if you feel you deserve the same grades as your partners, just say so. If not, please explain why you feel you deserve a higher or lower grade and specify which project(s) this applies to and the name(s) of your partner(s).]
  5. On ASULearn take the Anonymous Advice for Next Semester survey.

    If you are finished early, you may ask me questions or leave to work on your oral abstract [like a 1-2 minute advertisement or commercial] for tomorrow. I am happy to help!