Math 2130
Dr. Sarah J. Greenwald
12-12:50 MTRF -- T/F in 108 and M/R in 205

Where to Get Help

  • Office Hours 326 Walker Hall 262-2363
    I am always happy to help you in office hours. An open door means that I am on the floor somewhere, so come look for me.
  • Check this often for homework and for access to the other class web pages.
  • The WebCT Bulletin Board is the easiest way to ask a math question outside of class and office hours. You are responsible for reading all posts from me. I prefer that you use office hours since it is easier to discuss material in person, but if you can not make them, then the newsgroup is a great alternative. I usually check the newsgroup numerous times every day including the weekends.
  • Math Lab: Mon-Thur from 2-5 in 302 Walker. Students answer questions.

    Required Resources

  • Multivariable Calculus by Ostebee and Zorn. 2nd Edition.
  • Graphing Calculator
  • 3-ring binder notebook and hole puncher to organize handouts, notes and your work
  • printouts of your work - see for information about ASU charging for print services and media cards.
  • access to a web-browser and to Maple 7 or later versions on the file server and/or at your own computer -- mac or pc is fine (on-campus access is sufficient as long as you have the time to work on campus while the labs are open)


    MAT 1120 (with a grade of C- or higher).

    Course Goals

  • Reinforce calculus 1 and 2 concepts
  • Introduction to the language of multivariable calculus via selections from chapters 12-16: A study of parametric equations, vectors, vector-valued functions, function of several variables, double and triple integrals, and vector analysis.
  • Explore the use of technology in mathematics via Maple


  • Participation 5% You are expected to answer questions, contribute to problem sessions, and complete the pre-readings and practice problems. You are also expected to actively engage the material in class and lab. These kinds of baseline activities will result in a participation grade of 4/5. Other activities can increase or decrease this grade. Asking and answering thought provoking questions, coming up with creative ways of thinking about the material, and explaining the material to others are some examples of positive participation that will increase your grade. Performing activities that detract from the professional classroom environment will result in a lowered participation grade.
  • Quizzes 30% Quizzes will usually occur twice a week in the lab. The quiz grade will be determined out of 200 points, with each quiz worth 10 points. Since there will be more than 20 quizzes, this means that it is possible to score more than 200 points, ie receive extra credit, or miss one or two quizzes without having it negatively affect your grade. In addition, to encourage quizzes as a learning experience, it is possible to receive half the points you missed back from correct quiz revisions.
  • Exams 30%
  • Maple Problems 10%
  • Cumulative Final Exam 25%     You must pass the final to pass the course.

    NO LATE WORK OR MAKE-UPS ALLOWED. Exams and quizzes must be completed during class on the day they are scheduled and quiz revisions and portfolio problems must be turned in on or before the due date.

    Additional Policies

    Material is covered very quickly. Plan to spend at least 1.5-2 hours outside of class for each credit hour in class. You are responsible for all material covered and all announcements and assignments made at each class, whether you are present or not. You are also responsible for announcements made on the web pages, so check them often.

    You should explore each problem and write out your thinking in a way that can be shared with others. Be sure to give acknowledgment where it is due. If you are copying something out of a book, refer to the source and page number in your write-up. Submitting someone else's work as your own (PLAGIARISM) is a serious violation of the University's Academic Integrity Code. Each student is responsible for doing his or her own Maple and by-hand work. You may discuss the problems among yourselves as you work, but you must type in each command yourself and you must answer questions in your own words. Your Maple and by-hand formatting, explanations, and text comments need to be presented in your own unique style in order to distinguish your work as your own. It is your responsibility to ensure that I do not suspect you of cheating.

    You must demonstrate skill at by-hand calculations for simple problems and skill at using technology for (perhaps more complicated) problems. Deficiency in any of these areas will result in reduction of final grade.

    Electronic devices such as cell phones are not permitted in class.

    Asking questions, and explaining things to others, in or out of class, is one of the best ways to improve your understanding of the material. This course is to be an environment in which everyone feels comfortable asking questions, making mistakes, offering good guesses and ideas, and is respectful to one another. I encourage you to talk to me often in class, office hours, and the bulletin board.