1. If B-C = 0, what reasoning is used to show that B=C?
    a) additive inverse
    b) additive identity
    c) associativity
    d) exactly 2 from above
    e) all of a, b, c

  2. If the product of two matrices equals the 0 matrix, then
    a) one of the matrices has to equal the 0 matrix
    b) both matrices have to equal the 0 matrix
    c) neither a nor b

  3. If A is a square matrix and Ax=b has infinite solutions for 1 vector b, then
    a) A is not invertible and I have a good reason why
    b) A is not invertible but I am unsure of why
    c) A is invertible but I am unsure of why
    d) A is invertible and I have a good reason why
    e) There is no way to tell whether A is invertible without more information

  4. If A is a matrix that is NOT square and Ax=b has infinite solutions for 1 vector b, then which best describes A:
    a) Ax=b must always have infinite solutions
    b) Ax=b can have 0, 1 or infinite solutions
    c) Ax=b can have 0 or infinite solutions
    d) Ax=b can have 1 or infinite solutions

  5. Let T: x ---> Ax be given as a linear transformation arising from a square 2x2 matrix A. Assume that the set of all outputs b (from Ax=b) is a line. What can we deduce?
    a) The columns of A do not span R2 and I can think of an example
    b) The columns of A do not span R2 and I can not think of an example
    c) A is onto R2
    d) The columns of A do not span R2 and A is onto R2
    e) None of the above statements are true