Create an individual video on a topic chosen on a first-come, first-served basis
My favorite activity was the create a video project. You can work with a partner and it's fun to make and really helps you learn about your topic teaching it to other people.
Purpose and Assignment
Practice communication skills and solidify a linear algebra concept
as you create a short real-time video aimed at your classmates that focuses on one example.
Here, real-time communication includes real-time handwriting on a board or paper, or real-time manipulations on a computer, and real-time audio and video.
Your face, voice, and handwriting must be present in the video all at the same time, at all times, although
you may begin with some writing already there.
Start by introducing yourself and listing the topic you chose (first-come-first served on ASULearn).
The rest is up to you but you should
focus on
a) reviewing concepts from class and homework, and
b) at least one specific example.
Explain and discuss the related concepts and example in your
own words. You may work with one other person and turn in one video only if both of you are in it and you subdivide the communication equally.
Creativity is encouraged, but keep it
professional. Explaining concepts to others is one of the best ways to learn yourself.
Pretend you are presenting to the class in real time, but these can be more polished since you can plan,
re-record and make revisions if needed.
Here is a 5-minute sample video on a computer from 1120.
Here is a 3-minute sample video with a white board from
an 1120 class at a different school (but they didn't introduce themselves, and they didn't list or review the topic).
Please keep your video to 5 minutes or less.
Recording from a phone, computer, or tablet is the method I would expect many to use.
I can also help you film during office hours--for example we could set up my laptop to record you.
Another option is the library tech desk,
which allows you to check out digital equipment, including camcorders. The library also has private
study rooms with whiteboards that you can book and record in.
If you want to borrow a marker for a whiteboard, I can lend that to you.
Taping up paper and writing on that with a marker is another option.
Upload your video to your school YouTube channel as follows:
First be sure that you are logged in to your school gmail account.
Then upload your video.
Change the privacy setting to Unlisted and copy the web address for the video.
Then send me the video link in the private forum on ASULearn.
I'll respond there if I recommend any changes. When it is ready I'll approve your video and will add it to a page on ASULearn
designed to add to the class resources and build community.
If you are uploading from a phone, you might need to first select YouTube, and then log in to your
school account.
Rubric and Revisions
This will be worth 1 point on the problem set and will be graded on a scale of 0, 1, 2 (out of
30 points on Problem Set 3). So it is possible to obtain extra credit on the problem set by obtaining a 2 here.
The full-credit video
starts by introducing yourself and listing the topic you chose
focuses on at least one specific example
reviews related concepts from our class/homework
is in your own words
clear and correct
flows well
real-time handwriting or manipulations, and at the same time, real-time audio and video of you making eye contact.
Your face, voice, and other
communication must be present in the video all at the same time, at all times, although you may begin with some text already there.
please try to keep your video to approximately 5 minutes or less.
(if working with a partner) both of you are in it and you subdivide
the communication equally
A score of 1 is given for a good faith effort but not quite ready for prime time if it is mostly
error free and complete, but may have some minor issues. You can revise your video by using my feedback to improve it.
The choice of topic is first-come, first-served on ASULearn, and you may
work alone or with one other person.
- by-hand Gaussian and solutions of a 2x3 with a generic k
- by-hand Gaussian of a 3x4 with full pivots
- by-hand Gaussian of a 3x4 with no solutions
- back-substitution of a 3x4 matrix in Gaussian but not Gauss-Jordan with 1 solution
- parametric vector form of infinite solutions from a 2x4 already in Gaussian
- an overdetermined system with a solution
- an underdetermined system with no solutions
- recognizing when there are no solutions
- pivots and pivot columns
- backward phase starting from Gaussian 3x4 and going to Gauss-Jordan
- intersection of 3 planes
- linear combination and weights
- span a line in R^3
- span a plane in R^3
- span all of R^3
- a mix that is a linear combination of vectors but that cannot be physically produced
- a vector outside a span
- multiply a matrix and a vector using linear combinations
- multiply a matrix and a vector using dot product
- Theorem 4 in 1.4 via an example
- The negation of Theorem 4 in 1.4 via a counterexample
- vectors ending on the line through p parallel to v
- diagonal of a parallelogram
- linearly independent in R^3
- 3 vectors not linearly independent in R^3 but no 2 on the same line
- converting between a vector equation and matrix equation for linearly independence
- linearly independent but not span
- span but not linearly independent
- multiply two matrices
- matrix multiplication is not commutative
- 2 non-zero matrices that multiply to yield a zero matrix
- transpose of a matrix
- inverse of a 2x2 matrix
- applying the inverse of a matrix to Ax=b
- 2x2 elementary matrix for replacement and its inverse matrix
- associativity
- distributivity
- addition (of linear objects: equations, vectors, matrices)
- scalar multiplication (of linear objects: equations, vectors, matrices)