MAT 3010 Final Project
Goals and Objectives: Each student will research a topic, become
on the related history and mathematics, and will communicate this expertise in many different
contexts. This is to be an individual project and the topic must be pre-approved by Dr. Sarah or Dr. Rhoads. These assignments must exhibit effort that is appropriate for your background and major.
Sample Topics: You may choose a topic that we discussed in class (which will require you go in much greater depth that we did)
or a topic that we didn't discuss in class. Some examples:
history and mathematics of a field of mathematics (topology, geometry,
algebra, differential geometry, probability, statistics, etc...),
history and mathematics of a technique (logarithms, quadratic formula, numerical algorithms for pi or a square root, solving equations numerically, etc...),
history and mathematics of a topic ( Pascal's and harmonic triangles,
continued fractions, etc...), or the history and mathematics of a person.
Your topic must be one that you haven't
studied in a previous project and such that the level of mathematics is appropriate for your background.
Assignments (see the
main web page
for due dates and submission formats):
All work must be in your own words. Give proper reference to ideas from sources.