The Parrot's Theorem Assignment
The Primary Sources for the Life and Work of Hypatia of Alexandria
by Michael A. B. Deakin
Hypatia (from The Parrot's Theorem)
In class on Tuesday February 11th, we analyzed the reliability of
this entry based on Dr. Sarah's research and discussion with
math historian Edith Prentice Mendez, an expert on Hypatia.
We discussed portions of the entry
that are reliable because they
are related to statements made in ancient
references, and we highlighted
other portions of this entry that were suspect or false.
In previous classes, we have also discussed fictional (and incorrect)
accounts of Hypatia and how they propagated to other sources.
Your Assignment
Choose a mathematician other than Hypatia
who is mentioned in The Parrot's Theorem in a meaningful way.
Research and write a report on the
reliability of the related content in The Parrot's Theorem.
You must use
numerous book and web references and attempt to get as close to
primary sources as possible.
Your grade will be based on the quality of your
references and the clarity and depth of your report.
Choosing a mathematician with an entry that has portions which are
suspect or under debate is encouraged and will be rewarded.
In your report, you must give proper reference to ideas.
In addition, in your bibliography, after each reference, you must
describe the reference and give information about the author (Are they
a math historian?, ...).