Dr. Sarah's Bio Writing Checklist for Math 3110

This list will be used to grade your assignment, and will be returned to you with comments.

Does this paper:
  • discuss ideas in your own words?
  • clearly summarize the mathematician's life?
  • clearly summarize the mathematician's work?
  • attempt to explain any contradictions that arose in the references?


  • contain an introduction?
  • flow smoothly?
  • contain a conclusion?
  • use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation?
  • give acknowledgment where it is due?
  • give evidence of creative writing?


  • contain a diverse collection of references from different sources?
  • contain a list of useful web references?
  • contain a critique of the references in your own words? (ie I found the reference particularly useful because it contained..., or this reference did not have any new information...)