3110 Quiz 1
Name: DrSarah Greenwald
Start Time: Apr 03, 2000 13:11 Time Allowed: 14 min
Number of Questions: 4

Question 1  (10 points)

Is x^5-2x^3-8x-2 solvable by radicals?

1. yes  
2. no  
3. sometimes, but not always  

Question 2  (10 points)

Match the mathematician with their math

1. Sophie Germain
  a. Proved the Epsilon Conjecture which says that Taniyama-Shimura implies Fermat's Last Theorem
2. Andrew Wiles
  b. Worked on the solution of a quintic by radicals
3. Niels Abel

  c. Proved Fermat's Last Theorem by proving Taniyama-Shimura
4. Ken Ribet
  d. First mathematician to examine a general approach (for all powers) for Fermat's Last Theorem
5. Lodovico Ferrari
  e. Worked on the solution of a quartic by radicals
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Question 3  (10 points)

Match the the following definitions

1. f is a function if for all x, there exists y s.t. f(x)=y, and   a. for all y, there exists x s.t. f(x)=y
2. f is one-to-one if   b. for all x1 and x2, x1=x2 --->f(x1)=f(x2)
3. f is onto if   c. for all x1 and x2, f(x1)=f(x2)--->x1=x2
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Question 4  (10 points)

What is the negation of f is continuous at xo ---> (For all E>0, there exists D>0 s.t. |x-xo|<D ---> |f(x)-f(xo)|<E for all x)?

1. f is continuous at xo and (For all E>0 there exists D>0 s.t. |x-xo|<D and |f(x)-f(xo)|>E for all x)  
2. f is continuous at xo and (There exists E>0 s.t. for all D>0, there exists x s.t. |x-xo|<D and |f(x)-f(xo)|>E)  
3. f is continuous at xo and (There exists E>0 s.t. for all D>0, there exists x s.t. |x-xo|>D and |f(x)-f(xo)|>E)  
4. f is continuous at xo ---> (There exists E>0 s.t. for all D>0, there exists x s.t. |x-xo|<D ---> |f(x)-f(xo)|>E)  
5. f is continuous at xo ---> (For all E<0, there exits D<0 s.t. |x-xo|<D ---> |f(x)-f(xo)|>E for all x)