Dr. Sarah's Math 3130 Web Page - Spring 2000
E-mail Dr. Sarah
with questions about these web pages.
Maple and Class Highlights
Dr. Sarah's Office Hours
Syllabus and Grading Policies
Writing/Maple Projects and Tests
Roaches Take Over the World Writing Project
DUE Friday, January 22nd by 5 p.m., Revisions due Fri, February 5th
Maple Project 1 - Problem Set B in lab Manual #5,7 (in 7, for those Maple can't do, do them by hand, or go thru the methods we know (separable, 1st order linear, exact, homogeneous) to show that you can't do them by hand). Due Mon, February 7th by 5pm. Work in groups of 2 or 3 and turn in 1 per group. Maple Worksheet should go onto my computer, by hand work can be in worksheet or on a sheet of paper. Revisions due Mon 14th by 5pm.
Maple Project 2 - Problem Set B in lab Manual problem assigned in class to groups of 2 due Tues 15th by 5pm as a Maple Worksheet into my computer.
Presentations start Wed Feb 16th.
Test 1 Mon, Feb 28 (see
Class highlights page
under that date for more info).
Maple Project 3 - Problem Set C in lab Manual problem assigned in class to groups of 2 due Tues 7th by 5pm as a Maple Worksheet into my computer.
Presentations start Wed March 8th.
Fri, March 24 Test 2 on Numerical Methods, test revisions due Mon april 2nd at 5pm.
Maple Project 4 - Problem Set D in lab manual 3,4,5,6, and 7 due Tuesday April 18th by 5pm
PSD Solutions
Final Project Proposal
due Fri April 21 at 5pm.
Test 3 on 2nd order linear methods Fri April 28 (we voted in class), revisions due Wed May 3 at 5pm.
Final Project Presentations - Wed May 10th 3-5pm in 203
Maple worksheet on your final project due onto my computer by Wed at 2:30 pm, bring your own drinks to 203
Your Maple worksheet should include all of your work, with detailed explanations (ie it should be self explanatory). Your presentation will summarize highlights of your project -
2 person group should have less than an 8 minute presentation,
1 person should have less than a 4 minute presentation
Be sure to include references
Interesting Links
Sarah J. Greenwald
Yahoo - you can search for web pages of any topic
Interesting Math Links:
A Guide to Major Motion Pictures with Scenes of Real Mathematics
Euclid's Elephants
, er, Elements. Check this out, this is so cool, it's interactive!!!
Interacive logic teacher
Continued Fractions
The Uselessness of Pi
The Prime Page
A Large Prime Number Found By Computer
Magic Squares and Magic Cubes
Interactive Geometry
from the Geometry Center in Minnesota.
Visualizing N-dimensional polytopes
What mathematician was born on your birthday?
3D Strange Attractors
Biographies of Women Mathematicians
A collection of math related cartoons