Submitting Maple Files onto Dr. Sarah's Computer from 203
From the apple (top left of the screen), go to
the chooser.
Click on the AppleShare icon
Connect to my computer by
cliking on it (on the right side) and then hitting OK.
Type in the NAME and PASSWORD that I tell you in class.
Open the SHARED FOLDER which will appear on the Desktop
Open the 3130 Folder
In the 3130 folder,
I have created a folder for each of you to drop things into.
This will ensure that no one overwrites anyone else's file.
Try to open YOUR folder. I have made it impossible
for anyone to open the folder
in order to protect everyone from cheating.
From the Public Folder on the desktop, drag a maple demo
into YOUR folder - to do this pull it until it sits ontop of
YOUR folder (which will highlight) and then release.
Drag the Shared Folder to the trash when you are finished