Should popular culture be held to standards? What responsibilities
do creators of popular culture have to realism, to entertainment,
to social justice...?
Who creates the representations and benefits from them,
and how does this connect to globalization, consumerism, toys...?
What is feminist popular culture (including queer theory media)?
If a representation duplicates patterns of disdain, continues to
box people (in or out), or objectifies, without subverting stereotypes,
can that representation be called empowering?
Are "Women Now Empowered By Everything A Woman Does" as
satirized by the Onion?
Is any representation a feminist one if the person who made it invokes
Furthermore, does sexual celebration and empowerment on the one hand and objectification
in popular culture on the other relate or connect?
Are perhaps gay men and transgender women represented in mainstream
popular culture more than other genderqueer non-binary people such as
lesbian, bisexual, asexual, transgender men, genderfluid people...?
More generally, what are the gender, race, class, age... differences
of representations in
popular culture, when it comes to relationships, the body, work, and
prominence in the storylines? What are the tropes and stereotypes?
Why has there been so much vitriol and violence towards people
who don't conform to rigid gender/sexuality roles,
towards women and minorities,
and does popular culture contribute to this? What are people doing
the bullying
and more afraid of?
Where do transgender
people fit into the patriarchy power structure and how are they
represented in popular culture?
Do they challenge gender dichotomy or uphold it?
What to do about degrading representations in popular
culture (like misogynistic lyrics in a song that you enjoy listening to)?
What should feminism look like in the future and what role, if any, should popular culture play?