DUE Date |
WORK DUE at the beginning of class or lab
unless otherwise noted! Turn in work that follows the
guidelines. |
6 May - Wed |
Final Project from 12-2:30.
Print version of the peer review
Conic Sections - Career Oriented: Cati and Sarah Ploeger
Flower of Life - Research Oriented: Chris and Rebecca
Geometry and the Art of M.C. Esche - Career Oriented: Rose
Geometry Connections to Algebra and Calculus - Career Oriented:
Angela and Megan
Geometry and Music - Research Oriented: Kristen
Geometry and Nature - Career Oreinted: Tony
Geometry in 6th grade - Career Oriented: Olivia
Geometry in 7th grade - Career Oriented: Sarah Gilliam
Hands-on geometry for young adolescents - Career Oriented: Jessica P
Length, area and volume - Career Oriented: Becca
Measurement - Career Oriented: Olivia
Parallels - Career Oriented: Candace and Melissa
Proofs - Career Oriented: Katie Farmer
Tesselations - Career Oriented: Caitlin and Katie Mullen
Trigonometry and Geometry Connections - Career Oriented: Alana and
Visualization and Geometry - Career Oriented: Jenks and Kristen
Visual Aids and Techniques in Geometry - Career Oriented: Erica and Laura
Anytime from Apr 23-May 6, take a try of the ASULearn Anonymous
Advice for Next Semester survey, which counts as participation credit. I
can see whether you have completed the survey or not, in order to give
you participation credit, but the responses are anonymously reported to me
in class summary form.
__________ |
__________ |
28 Apr - Tues |
Prepare to present your final
project abstract orally in class.
23 Apr - Thur |
Test 2 study guide
Final project topic - You may work with one other person and the topic
must be pre-approved by Dr. Sarah as an ASULearn message.
21 Apr - Tues |
Choose a short (new to our class) Euclidean Sketchpad exploration,
Euclidean web applet, or computer exploration related to Euclidean geometry,
and be prepared to present it in less than 2 minutes.
Be sure to put it in context by discussing why it is interesting or
important. Message Dr. Sarah the web address or the name of the built-in
Sketchpad file by 3 pm so that she can post the info on the class
highlights page.
This is an individual assignment and will count as participation. Note:
to find Sketchpad's built in explorations, from Sketchpad on a PC,
use file open / choose the local c drive, then program files, then Sketchpad,
then Samples/Sketches/Investigations/ (thanks Tony!).
From a Mac, it is similar, but
choose the applications folder and find Sketchpad there.
Study for test 2 via the study guide under Thursday's date.
16 Apr - Thur |
Project 7: Parallels and
If you didn't present last week, prepare to do so.
9 Apr - Thur |
Choose a short Euclidean geometry proof (new to our class)
related to content in one of the two books [the proof does not need to be
in the book]. Present the proof in your own words on the blackboard or
transparancy projector in modern language and in less than 4 minutes.
The purpose of this assignment is to write and speak at the same time.
This is an individual assignment and will count as participation.
7 Apr - Tues |
Skim our books for information on parallels. Message Dr. Sarah on ASULearn or write down (to turn in) a brief summary of what you found that includes page numbers. Also prepare to share what you found during class discussion.
2 Apr - Thur |
Project 6:
Polyhedral and Metric Considerations
7 Apr - Tues |
Meet in 209b.
Read over the final project criteria under the May 6th date and
start thinking about whether you would like to do a career focused
project or a project focused on connections.
Work on Project 6.
17 Mar - Tues |
Project 5: Concept Development - Historical
History of axiomatic systems: Candace and Melissa
History of conic sections: Alana and Sarah Ploeger
History of coordinate geometry: Chris
History of geometric constructions: Cati and Samantha
History of longitude: Jessica Placke / Olivia
History of measurement: Erica and Laura
History of the parallel postulate: Lissa
History of pi: Becca Horn and Kristen Johnson
History of the Pythagorean theorem: Jenks and Kristen Eure
History of regular polygons: Caitlin and Katie Mullen
History of regular polyhedra: Katie Farmer and Sarah Gilliam
History of similarity: Angela and Megan
History of surfaces: Brice and Rebecca
History of tesselations: Rose / Tony
3 Mar - Tues |
Bring your ball to class
Your topic for the Historical Timeline
assignment must be approved by Dr. Sarah on a first-come-first-served basis
as a message on ASULearn. Approved topics will be posted under Project 5's
due date.
26 Feb - Thur |
Skim our books for information on polygons and polyhedra [other
appendix searches like square or cube... may be needed]. Message Dr. Sarah
on ASULearn or write down (to turn in) a brief summary of what you found that
includes page numbers.
Examine Project 5 (the link under the due date)
and start thinking about a topic.
24 Feb - Tues |
Test 1 study guide
19 Feb - Thur |
Read through the study guide for test 1
and write down any questions you have.
17 Feb - Tues |
Project 4: Similarity
12 Feb - Thur |
Skim through both books for similarity [other appendix searches like angle-angle... may be needed]. Message Dr. Sarah on ASULearn or write down (to turn in) a brief summary of what you found that includes page numbers.
Work on Project 4.
10 Feb - Tues |
Project 3:
Axiom Systems and Wile E. Coyote
3 Feb - Tues |
Read Project 2 Solutions on ASULearn.
Begin working on Project 3.
29 Jan - Thur |
Project 2: Measurement and Constructions
Prepare to turn in work that follows the
guidelines. See ASULearn for hints. You
may work alone or in a group (maximum 3 people) and turn in one project
writeup per group.
Problem 1: Wallace and West Roads to Geometry 1.1 8
Problems 2 and 3:
Sibley The Geometric Viewpoint 1.1 3 and 10
Problem 4:
Sketchpad Examine Wallace and West Roads to Geometry
p. 210 Construction 4.9.4
Euclid's Elements Book 1 to look at
Proposition 9.
Use Sketchpad to complete the construction. You may only use straight edge
and compass features and additional Sketchpad features which are
construction propositions that come before proposition 9.
2) Save your
document as yourname.gsp
(no spaces!) and attach it onto the personal storage space in ASULearn.
27 Jan - Tues |
Meet in 209b
Read Wallace and West Roads to Geometry p. 1-5 and 8-9, and Sibley
Geometric Viewpoint p. 2-5 and p. 9 and come to class prepared to discuss the
Begin working on Project 2.
22 Jan - Thur |
Review Project 1 solutions via class notes and the solutions
link on ASULearn. Write down any questions or comments.
Project 1 Self-Reflection
20 Jan - Tues |
Project 1: Connections and an Overview of Course Topics
Sphere Presentations
Bring a 10-12 inch diameter child's ball - these are usually
found in bins in stores and cost a couple
of dollars.
Be sure that this ball is smooth, can bounce, and that you
won't mind writing on it during class. |
15 Jan - Thur |
Search google for Dr. Sarah, click on her page, and click on the MAT 3610
link and then the Syllabus link.
Write down any questions you have - the
university considers this a binding contract between us.
Begin working on project 1 listed under Tuesday's due date.
Bring the class textbooks with you:
The Geometric Viewpoint: A Survey of Geometries by Thomas Q. Sibley
Roads to Geometry (3rd edition) by Edward C. Wallace and Stephen F. West