- Which parametrization (patch) did you like the best?
- Monge patch x(u,v) = (u, v, f(u,v))
- geographical coordinates with 2 angles and a radius from a center
x(u,v) = (R cos u cos v, R sin u cos v, R sin v)
- surface of revolution
x(u,v) = (g(u), h(u) cos v, h(u) sin v)
from a planar curve alpha(u) = (g(u), h(u), 0)
- ruled surface
x(u,v) = beta(u) + v delta(u), where beta and
delta are curves and x(u,v) is lines emanating from the
directrix beta going in the direction of delta
- other
Next write down examples of surfaces for each type of parametrization.
- What is the equation of a geodesic that an
arbitrary point y(theta,r) satisfies, where d
and beta are defined as in the hw and following picture:
- theta=r
- r=d sec (theta-beta)
- r=d cos (theta-beta)
- d=r sec (theta-beta)
- arctan(s/d) = n(alpha/2)
- In general on a cone of small enough cone angle,
a geodesic will self-intersect...
- they will generally not intersect
- at points vertically removed from each other
- at points horizontally removed from each other
- each time its lift crosses the seam of the covering
- infinitely many times
a: paraboloid
b: sphere
c: catenoid from catenary y=cosh(x)
e: helicoid, cone, cylinder
2. b
3. d