• As related to problem 1 from the homework, which of the following could represent the line between the points (-3,2,5) and (1,-2,4)
    a) [-3,2,5] + t[-4,4,1]
    b) [1,-2,4] + t[-4,4,1]
    c) Both of the above
    d) None of the above

  • The dot product of 2 vectors v and w is
    a) |v||w| cos(theta) where theta is the angle between them
    b) |v||w| sin(theta)
    c) v1w1+v2w2+v3w3
    d) all of the above are true
    e) 2 of a), b) c) are true

  • To calculate the tangent vector and the velocity vector
    a) If they are parametrized by time then it is the same calculation
    b) They are always equal
    c) For tangent take the component derivatives with respect to the parameter in the parametrization, for velocity take the component derivatives with respect to time
    d) all of the above are true
    e) 2 of a), b) c) are true