1. If you have a surface x(u,v) and you hold u constant, then x(constant,v) will be a
    1. surface and I have a good reason why
    2. surface but I am unsure of why
    3. curve but I am unsure of why
    4. curve and I have a good reason why
    5. no way to tell without more info about x(u,v)

  2. On a round torus, sitting on a table, the following are geodesics:
    1. all vertical circles on the donut
    2. all horizonal circles on the donut
    3. both of the above
    4. none of the above

  3. On a FLAT torus in R4 the following are geodesics:
    1. the curves corresponding to vertical lines from the covering
    2. the curves corresponding to horizontal lines from the covering
    3. both of the above
    4. none of the above