Final Project

You may work alone or with one other person. The final project will be turned in as a written report and a poster presentation. Find a subsection and/or a set of related exercises in a differential geometry text to explore. The topic choices will be limited on a first-come-first-served basis, so get them approved by Dr. Sarah by posting a message to the WebCT bulletin board (NOT email!) and showing her the relevant pages from a book.

Poster Sessions Each person will individually present their work in a poster session. We will divide up the class into two poster sessions. If you are in a group, you may use the same poster, as your partner will be in the other poster session. During your poster session, you must stand by your poster to answer questions (and your answers must demonstrate expertise of your topic). During the other session, you should briefly look over everyone's project, and choose four people (who are standing by their poster) to evaluate using the peer review form that will be given to you. A portion of your final project grade will be determined by the depth, quality and clarity of your peer reviews, which will be read by Dr. Sarah, but not by the project presenter. Each peer review must demonstrate that you read the project carefully. Dr. Sarah will not keep your poster - you should plan to take it with you after the session ends.

Written Report The written report may take the form of a paper, a demo, a classroom worksheet, a computer program, the beginning of a more extensive research project... I encourage you to be creative - ie you must start with pages from a differential geometry text, but it is your choice on where to take that. It must be a product that you create yourself in your own words, and it must look professional and flow well. You will turn in one written report per group, attached as a message to the WebCT bulletin board (be sure to include the file extension!) Your project will be posted to the main web page, so you must give it to me in a form that I can read and post (for example, Word.doc, Tex.tex,, html.html, pdf.pdf...)

Grading and Annotated References The project will be graded based on the depth of the mathematics, the creativity of your work, the clarity of the explanations and poster presentation, and your peer review. Your project must be in your own words and it must exhibit effort that is appropriate for your background and major. Also turn in a list of annotated references, ie after each reference, you need to summarize (in your own words) what is contained within each reference and how you used it.

Project Ideas

I have many differential geometry books in my office, including ones that are of interest to physicists and computer scientists. Come browse in office hours! Some additional ideas:
  • Oprea's Project Suggestions