Problem Set 5: Flat Donuts and Round Donuts
You may work in a group of 3 people maximum, or work alone.
Each group must write up their work in their own words.
The purpose of homework is to learn and practice computational
strategies, concepts, and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, so you should try problems on your own. Feel free to talk to me or each other if you are stuck on this assignment, but be sure to acknowledge any sources including each other, like "The insight for this solution came from a conversation with Joel." If you know how to do a problem and are asked for help, try to give hints rather than the solution.
Be sure to define all terms you use, draw your own pictures, explain in your own words, give proper reference.
A Flat Donut
A Round Donut
First read
p. 73 Exercise 2.1.13, which gives the parametrization of a round torus