Exercises on Homeomorphisms and Connectedness
- Which of the following are homeomorphic? (Informally justify
why or why not based on arguments related to content we covered in class)
a) S1= {(x,y) | x2 + y 2 =1}
and {(x,y) | max(|x|,|y|) = 1}, both with the subspace topologies
of R2.
b) R with the standard topology and R_cf with the finite complement
from the first day of class.
d) [1,2) and {0}U(1,2)
e) R2 and R
d) Grad Prove whether or not
the Zariski topology on R2 and the finite
complement topology on R2 are homeomorphic
- Prove why each of the following is or is not connected:
and Rzar=Rfc
- Use ideas of connectedness to informally show that no pair of
the following is homeomorphic: (0,1), (0,1], [0,1]