Oral test 3 on material up through and including Problem Set 6. Review definitions, examples, and reasons why statements are true or false from the recent two problem sets and solutions, the WebCT quiz, and class notes.
This test will be closed to notes and help and comments can only come from Dr. Sarah.
Review especially the definitions that I listed for the material from Oral test 1 and Oral test 2 as it is likely that some of these definitions will reappear on this test. In addition, make sure that you also know
In each case, I will be looking for clarity and depth, and a clear
demonstration that you understand "why".
Don't be afraid of repetition - when you get up to the board,
restate your question, explain the relevant background material, answer
your question, and then review what you did and explain again
how it relates to the original question. Make some connections,
and relate it to big picture ideas or metaphors too. I am looking for:
Your demonstration of an understanding of
relevant definitions and the problem and its correct solution without help from
Eye Contact
Included enough repetition
Included connections and big picture ideas or metaphors