Which reading on Should Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Be Released into the Environment to Fight Disease? did you find most convincing?
a) Yes: Hadyn Parry, from "Testimony before the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Hearing on `Science of Zika: The DNA of an Epidemic,' "
U.S. House of Representatives (2016)
b) No: Eric Hoffman, from "Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes in the U.S.," Friends of Earth (2012)
c) Equally convincing
- Should mosquitoes be controlled in some way?
a) strongly yes
b) somewhat yes
c) somewhat no
d) strongly no
- How should we handle invasive species of mosquitoes?
a) strongly control them
b) somewhat control them
c) somewhat let them be
d) strongly let them be
- Should we control mosquito populations using techniques like surface films, chemical agents, or Bti (a naturally occurring bacterium found in soils)?
a) strongly yes
b) somewhat yes
c) somewhat no
d) strongly no
- Is genetically altering mosquitoes a good idea to control mosquito populations?
a) strongly yes
b) somewhat yes
c) somewhat no
d) strongly no
- Should mosquitoes be eradicated?
a) strongly yes
b) somewhat yes
c) somewhat no
d) strongly no
- Would it be wrong to eradicate mosquitoes?
a) strongly yes
b) somewhat yes
c) somewhat no
d) strongly no
- Should we release genetically engineered mosquitoes in controlled settings like on an
a) strongly yes
b) somewhat yes
c) somewhat no
d) strongly no
- Should we release genetically engineered mosquitoes broadly?
a) strongly yes
b) somewhat yes
c) somewhat no
d) strongly no
- Should we continue to conduct research genetically engineered mosquitoes inside laboratories
a) strongly yes
b) somewhat yes
c) somewhat no
d) strongly no