1. When you read The Sixth Extinction to answer my questions, which best describes your methodology?
    a) I read the article and then skimmed back over it a second time to answer the questions.
    b) On the first and only reading, I read specifically for the questions and took note of the responses as I came to them.
    c) I read the article once, and I then answered the questions from memory.
    d) Other

  2. Which best describes your stance?
    a) I believe in strict biblical creationism (6 days are literal...) and reject the evidence we have for evolution
    b) I believe in theistic evolutionism, the gap theory, or progressive creationism (ie accept an "Intelligent Designer" or God had a role, but also generally accept the evidence we have for evolution)
    c) I accept the evidence we have for evolution

  3. Which best describes your reaction to the statement "it is now generally agreed among biologists that another mass extinction is under way" (which is in the full article)?
    a) I strongly disagree with the consensus among biologists
    b) I disagree with the consensus among biologists
    c) I agree with the consensus among biologists, but I do not agree that humans are the cause
    d) I agree with the consensus among biologists and I agree that humans are the cause
    e) Other

  4. Which best describes your belief about extinctions?
    a) Strongly believe that we should let nature take its course
    b) Somewhat believe that we should let nature take its course
    c) Neutral
    d) Somewhat believe that we should intervene or change behaviors
    e) Strongly believe that we should intervene or change behaviors