Which article did you find most convincing?
a) Yes (Safe to Eat) by Henry I Miller and Gregory Conko: Scary Food
b) No (Not Safe to Eat) by Vandana Shiva: Introduction to the GMO Emperor Has No Clothes: A Global Citizens Report on the State of GMOs-False Promises, Failed Technologies

Which best describes your belief:
a) I believe that the benefits of genetically modified food to society outweigh the disadvantages
b) I believe that the disadvantages of genetically modified food outweigh the benefits to society

What best describes your belief:
a) I believe that most or all genetically modified food is safe to eat
b) I believe that some genetically modified food is safe to eat
c) I believe that most or all genetically modified food is unsafe to eat

For class discussion today, I prefer...
a) to sit where I am now
b) to sit with others who feel similarly to my own beliefs about genetically modified food
c) to move around via a randomized seating assignment

Some fruitarians will eat only what falls naturally from a plant, eating no other food. Does this describe you?
a) yes
b) no

Do you believe that it is objectionable to grow or eat nectarines?
a) yes
b) no

Do you believe that it is objectionable to grow or eat Golden rice, which aims to address vitamin A deficiency. The deficiency kills about 670,000 young children each year.
a) yes
b) no

Do you believe that it is objectionable to grow or eat strawberry plants whose genes have been spliced with flounder genes?
a) yes
b) no