- Who should fund research on whether cell phones cause cancer
- government
- private, but not the cell phone companies
- the cell phone companies themselves
- no one - don't research as there isn't a correlation
- no one - don't research as the public won't care regardless
- If we do spend money on this research, what should we research?
- Ways to prevent cell phone radiation
- Other ways of communication
- Let's go all out and implant technology in our brains for communication
- More than one of the above
- None of the above
- Many people have likely been using a cell phone for at least 5 years or
more. How long should it take for tumors to start showing if cells cause
- I don't think cell phones cause cancer
- I think we'll start to be convinced of cell phone caused cancer cases very soon
- I think we'll start to be convinced of cell phone caused cancer cases in the next 10-40 years
- I think we'll start to be convinced of cell phone caused cancer cases in the next 50-100 years
- It would be variable and depend on many other factors too, so will be
hard to tell for a long time
- When did you first get a cell phone?
- 6 and under
- 7-11
- 12-15
- last few years
- never
- How many hours per day (on average) do you use a cell phone
- 0
- 0.1-2
- 2-4
- 4-6
- over 6
- University guidelines indicate that we should spend 2-3 hours outside of class for each hour inside of class. On average in a given week, what is your time spent outside of class for just our UCO 1200 class?
- I am spending much much more than the guidelines recommend [above 14 hours per week, on average]
- I am spending more than the guidelines recommend [10-13 per week, on average]
- I am spending about what the guidelines recommend [6-9 per week, on average]
- I am spending less than what the guidelines recommend [2-5 per week, on average]
- I am spending much much less than the guidelines recommend [1 or below per week, on average]